Manipulative Coddling is when a person is treated in an overprotected way and limiting that persons Life-Experiences while also telling that person what to think, how to think, what to believe, and how to live.
People who are Coddled tend to be very insecure, they let others do things for them, make their decisions, and if they are taught that they are a victim then they will react, fear, and feel that he or she is a victim. When an insecure person is controlled by imaginary fears then he or she won’t reach out, will limit their life, and will never go where they fear, because the Imaginary Fear is to them a completely real fear.
A person who has been controlled by Imaginary Fears will also reach out to warn people of what they were told is frightening. They will teach the imaginary fears, they will teach others to be scared and to feel victimized.
In the universities the students may be told of a group being victimized, and those in that group will assume that here they are with people with titles, education, degree’s, people who they trust, have faith in. If they are told that they are victims, to be frightened, to be weary and worry, these young easily influenced minds will in fact believe completely that they are victims and from then on they will live like this, protesting, being loud and in people’s faces, and rightfully so the general public more than likely won’t like them.
When we debate, talk, discuss, we find answers, we grow in wisdom and intelligence.
If we are told what to think, how to think, what to fear and so forth, we are afraid to try, or attempt, or to question those who taught us, or face our fears, thus we stay captive, frightened, and trapped in something that does not even exist.
People are often encouraged to Face The truth, Face Their Fears, Seek the Truth and the Truth Will Set Them Free, because a person may in fact be believing and living is a delusion that is like a curse, like a hex put on them by a witch, and that curse is ruining their lives and the only power the curse has on the victim is that the person being cursed believes in the lies fed to them for many years and the lies (curse) control that persons life negativity as was intended for the lies to do so.
There are many different ways to define dark psychology. Dark Psychology is the art and science of manipulation and mind control. Psychology, in general, seeks to study and understand human behavior. It is focused on our thoughts, actions, and the way we interact with each other. Dark psychology, however, just focuses on the kinds of thoughts and actions that are predatory in nature. Dark psychology examines the tactics used by malicious people to motivate, persuade, manipulate, or coerce others into acting in ways that are beneficial to themselves, and potentially detrimental to the other person. – J Mind.
Dark “Personal Manipulation” Tactics is the intentional enforcing upon ourselves an acceptance of “darkness” (evil/bad) in our character due to weaknesses, something bad but we want to participate in, so we defend it in our mind and to others. These weaknesses, although obviously bad/evil, we defend our right to participate in them, especially in our own minds, and we often proudly and loudly demand that other people believe that our “darkness” is light.
– James Martin Sandbrook.
Piggy-Back Dark Manipulation Tactics are the passing on of an “Accepted Darkness” on to another person. This could be from narcissist manipulator to victim. From narcissist parents to their children. Or from school friend (an introduction to casual sex or drug abuse) to another school friend. Criminals to their children. Gang Members to their children. Or from parent to child, such as bad habits, sex abuse, violence, emotional abuse, and the child grows to an adult who see’s no wrong in the darkness that they were taught as a child.
In history having a Problem, or an Evil Spirit, having an Issue was having a Monkey on your Back, once the monkey is removed the problem is gone. When the parent has a darkness in their life that is accepted as a norm then that was called a Dark/Evil Monkey on that parents back of which that parent passes on to their child so that child now has a Evil-Monkey on his or her back as well. The child goes through life with that Evil (manipulative)-Monkey on his or her back riding-them piggy-back causing all sorts of issues, darkness and suffering to all that know this person with the Monkey on their back.
When a narcissist manipulator uses tactics to manipulate a person they are controlling that person and manipulating the victims mind.
Personal Manipulation is the manipulating our own mind to accept, agree with and to become something that is a “darkness”, a part of society that causes harm to ourselves and others but we refuse to accept that in favour of what “we want to believe”.
Any proof or evidence that appears before us showing us that what we are doing or have accepted as a belief is wrong, is very quickly (and often proudly) denied because to face the truth is too uncomfortable, too shocking, so it is very quickly denied and an even stronger effort by our own mind to fool ourselves is made with often fierce mental-force to demand of our own self to stand by old toxic and dark beliefs to remain loyal to those who taught us darkness in the first place.
“Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are
presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new
evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is
extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it
is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize,
ignore and even deny anything that doesn’t fit in with the core belief.”
― Frantz Fanon
If people want you to think differently, do differently, lower your protective boundaries and so on, they can distract you from your original goals, thoughts and wants of which they didn’t want you having.
People influence people by taking them off their plans, values, ideals and goals, by distracting them with entertainment, good times, promises, anything that takes the persons mind of what they had an interest in a week ago and now are so tired or excited, or both, about the upcoming and just passed distractions that are now taking up their life, thinking and plans.
Once a person has been distracted long enough the old plans, goals, thoughts, and boundaries are forgotten which leads to a different Life Path and one finds his or her life going in a different direction than a little time back.
Distractions can also have us ignore Red Flags, Warnings, God’s Guidance and our own logic and common sense.
The idea is to overwhelm the persons mind with busy times, fun, activities and such long enough to cause the person to put aside or forget their life long goals, desires and also to take them off the path that they were on.
Distractions often come with promises of better times to come, that will never actually happen.
Once a person forgets (for a while) what he or she was really interested in or their goals, their mind is empty and then they can be influenced, groomed, (peer) pressured into doing what others want.