Doppelgänger's in a Character Assassination.

I saw plenty of movies and heard about in history where a doppelgänger was used to confuse people and that they can be used in a Character Assassination.

If the people constructing the Character Assassination can find someone who looks like the person who they are trying to assassinates character, then they can use that person to “act” out parts that are bad to make the genuine person look bad.

In my case I know that someone in this area looks “identical” to me. My own father looks identical to me at the same age. For many years people have told me that someone here looks the same as me, some say he is taller and has a longer nose, but is it the same person? People have called me different first names, people who don’t know James Martin Sandbrook, have called me different first names, and come over to me and talked to me leaving me confused because I have no idea who they are.

But the most stunning case was the guy in town.
I was outside the town library one day sitting on the bench-seat and a dark skinned man came over and started talking to me, he was very friendly and as if we knew each other he chatted on. I just thought that he was being nice. And for over a year I would see him around town and he would talk to me, same friendliness and acting like we knew each other, but he never said my name.

Then one day he asked me if I still lived out at Kinlieth way, and I stared at him and said, “Where?” and he told me where and I said, “No, I live in Wairakei Place.” and he looked confused and said, “Oh ok.” and that was the last time he spoke to me.
Yet he had been talking to me for over a year. I think it was at this point that he must have realised that I was someone else and not who he thought I was.

But the very scary revelation for me was that he had sat next to me, stood next to me for over a year thinking that I was someone else, and that told me that there is someone out there who looks very much like me.

When Renee (daughter of the family that created the Character Assassination ) was so friendly and chatty in the New World Supermarket to me yet terrified of me in the Countdown Supermarket I realised that the guy she lives with (I call him the Weasel because I don’t know his name) has taught her that there were two versions of me, and the possibility came to mind that he and his friends (her family) in the Character Assassination had possibly paid this Doppelgänger to “play me” in front of people to scare them, most probably Renee, maybe do video’s and photos and so on.

This is very risky for them because if he were caught, or injured in any way and could not get away he would be found out and they would be found out, and the game would be up. Since the people who created the Character Assassination are a criminal group they don’t want to be found out.

If there was any mistaken identity with me I would go immediately to the Police with information about the Weasel, Renee, their family and the Character Assassination and all I know about this Doppelgänger. I am just waiting to see him myself or for him to do a crime, and I will get hm then.

People need to be aware that there are people who look identical or nearly identical to a person. There are only so many faces to go around and with so many billions of people on the planet there will be more than a few who look very close to how you look. And even side by side they look physically the same, and that if one is nice the other weak-minded that the weak-minded one can be used to harm the reputation for the other.


All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
27th of October, 2021.