Gaslighting is when someone’s brain is played around with by a Narcissist, and they have doubts about what they feel, see, desire, and know, until finally they have no idea what they think, see, believe and rely on other people, who they have come to trust, as their guides.
People who are in public who have been “gas lighted” seem normal, act their part that they were trained to act. In the case of this mentally challenged female she was seduced into feminism, and because feminism is considered in this troubled times as normal, much like a religious leader sitting in a expensive throne in an expensive palace is seen as normal, she is seen to be healthy, sane and capable.
Because the therapists/mind doctors are experts in the study of the Mind, gaslighting, and other forms of manipulation, they also (like Eugene Landy-watch Love and Mercy about how Landy manipulated Brian Wilson for this own personal gain) can be the most devious users of gaslighting on their patient.
The person gaslighted is so mentally weak, that when they are told that they are gaslighted, and to see the signs of them bring gaslighted, they allow their Narcissist controllers to talk them out of what they see and will continue to doubt themselves, because when a person is gaslighted he or she is trained to doubt themselves.
Also the manipulators will tell the gaslighted victim not to trust anyone who can be of help to them, because anyone who knows what is going on is a threat to the manipulators power control so the Narcissist/s create doubt, fears, hate, and whatever they can that will cause a divide between a good person and a bad person.
Gaslighting is in common use today by Narcissist types and the general public, laws, therapists and authorities are basically blind to it, and that is why it is such a common tool to control people. I saw a couple of videos and they said that they didn’t know why people used gaslighting, but its obvious, its to control and manipulate people so that they don’t understand themselves and doubt what they think, feel and used to know, like in the movie, and it can be used to retrain a person to hate what they love, to doubt what they feel about people, life and love,and to be the opposite of what they once were. |
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