Many people manipulating one person is much like peer pressure where they use many techniques to seduce one person into seeing things the way that they want the victim to see life, and therefore choose according to the thinking of the others or the manipulations of the group.In doing so, the victim always thinks that he or she is choosing for themself.
I know of a case where a narcissist manipulator used other people and was supported by the females family to manipulate the female into marriage, and eventually a life of submission.
I repeat it here as an example of how a person can be manipulated into completely changing their life, for the worst, and completely believing that every decision that was made for that person she thought was made by herself.
A group participating in manipulation is nothing new, politicians have been doing it since forever, they just all have to be of the same mind, want something done, and then find ways to convince the public that it is being done in their best interests. With public support the government is free to spend a lot of the taxpayers money with the full and patriotic support of the people.
The Male in this case, with the parents support (criminal family), seduced the female (who was suffering mentally, on medication and so forth), and got her to believe that he was her hero.
The family and he produced an enemy, they chose someone who lived nearby and terrified the female so much that she refused to go anywhere near the person who they claimed was evil and after her.
As time the innocent man found out and wanted to sort out the manipulator, but due to his ability to seduce not only the female, but with the parents help seduce other people in the neighbourhood, the public opinion was against the innocent man. Anything he did would be held against him by the public.
The female, who was very weak minded and gullible, told everyone that she could that she was being stalked by the innocent man and that gave her mountains of sympathy, love, protection (against nothing because nothing was after her except the narcissist manipulator) and their time. Having gotten used to this the female basically sold her soul for the attention while handing her life over to the narcissist manipulator who she was proudly telling everyone he was her hero protecting her from the man that she claimed was stalking her.
The manipulator played the victim and the hero at the same time, and all the time claimed to love her and want the best for her, and her criminal parents backed him up and supported him, along with the siblings.
Many people manipulating one person is much like peer pressure where they use many techniques to seduce the person into seeing things the way that they want the victim to see life, and therefore choose according to the thinking of the other or the manipulations of the group.
The manipulation of the innocent man was Character Assassination, and the trick was to get the female to participate in the Character Assassination as an innocent victim being terrified by an evil man thus making the false accusations against the innocent man more validity.
Fake “evidence” was created to support such claims and much lying, gossip and careful seduction of Flying Monkeys (the general public).
The strength of the Character Assassination was the females false claims of being victimized. Due to her medication, simple thinking and strong desire to play the victim she came across to other as a genuine case of a terrified innocent female desperately needing a hero, protection, genuine love, and so on, and the manipulator stepped up tot he plate to play that part and in doing so he hardly needed to do a thing as the Flying Monkeys who supported the female rallied around the manipulator offering their love, support to help the poor seemingly desperate female.
Often in life things are not as they seem, but with Character Assassination, people playing the victim, and the public desiring a scapegoat, when they see clear, precise proof of the innocent man’s innocence, they mentally cast that evidence (truth) aside in an eager desire to hate, and to be in fear (fear is exciting and gives people a cause, desires for justice and so forth), because collectively (as the manipulator knew) they had a reason cause, something to do , in their otherwise mundane boring lives.
In this case the Flying Monkeys basically, handed the victim over to the manipulator, to be manipulated, used, abused and mistreated behind closed doors, and even if the Flying Monkeys see evidence of the abuse they figure that it is none of their business and keep out of it.
In this mental state the Flying Monkeys feel that they have done a great justice, helped out friend (the parents), and saved a female from the stalker, and any evidence that comes before them proving to them that they made a big drastic mistake, they will quickly turn a blind eye refusing to admit, that they were as guilty as anyone of destroying the Females life.
The female playing the victim, in fear of being found out as a liar, as false accuser and so on refuses to accept that she did as she did and pretends to get on with life as a happy person with a cold hearted manipulator who is not the person who she thought he was.
The good man, tired of her pathetic accusations, decided to keep completely out of her life. But in doing so, the manipulator playing the hero for her was all of a sudden exposed as he settles in to claim his territory, his woman, and his win, and the more he does this the more the fake becames obvious to the female and the more she realized what his true character is, and the future she as a manipulator herself is doomed to live.
Just as the narcissist manipulator is exposed with each day to her and others, she is also exposed in the sense that Plying the Victim was her excuse to avoid many activities. Without the so called stalker on her trail she has no excuse not to do anything the manipulator demands of her and her friends want her included in.
You see, she could no longer manipulate people into being sympathetic towards her anymore, thus so, she loses all the benefits of her playing the victim because the false accusations cannot hold ground when the innocent person simply walks away and is not near her anymore for ever more.
She can’t fake her innocence or of being stalked if the person she accuses refuses to play her game anymore by being around her. She now is at the mercy of her narcissist partner, family and her friends.
The truth is, is that all along the good man once he realized what was going on was trying to help the woman playing the victim in trying to expose to her the manipulators real intentions, but she was too busy benefiting from being the victim to want the truth.
But all people finally have had enough of foolish people and move on to leave them destroying themselves.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
7th of November, 2021.
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