When a bird is put into a bird cage the bird is groomed to accept life in a cage.
The people who have the bird in the cage feed the bird, the bird is in a warm house which the cage is in, the bird has fresh water each day and the bird has toys and things to exercise on. The owners are polite and friendly to the bird and sometimes they hang the bird outside so that the bird can get fresh air. As the years roll on the bird becomes completely subdued and used to its environment and thinks that “this is life, this is the good life and this is all that I was born for”.
The bird is completely happy in its environment of complete captivity.
The bird never eats the natural food it was born to eat, the bird never knows the joys of flight, the bird will never have sex or enjoy the mating rituals and compete for a partner, and the bird will never give birth or bring up its own young.
The bird will never know bird-love and affection, and the bird will never know many things it would have known if the bird was a free bird. The very sad thing is that when the cage door is left open the bird stays where it is and never tries to fly away.
The cows in the paddock world wide are another example of such captivity in the animal world.
Narcissists keep their victim in a mental isolation.
First it is done by keeping the victim physically isolated and the narcissist controls who is allowed to see the victim (only those who are in the narcissists power or those who are narcissists as well). As time goes by, by using methods such as gaslighting, the victim becomes so dependent on the captor that the victim won’t escape the mental cage.
Even when the victim gets a job and is in the public the victim is still very deeply and emotionally affixed to the narcissist, and even at the suggestion of others the victim will not try to break free – and this is the very plan that holds the victim tied to the narcissist for the victims pathetic life.
In some cases the victim is so tied to the narcissist that when the narcissist dies the victim, in time, commits suicide to be with the narcissist because the ties are so complete, and the mind of the victim so submissive and obedient to the narcissist that the victim just cannot stand the thought of living without the imagined-strength that the victim thinks that the narcissist has that helps the victim. In desperation the victim kills themself because the narcissist took away all coping skills and made sure that the victim could not life or cope without the narcissist, so when the narcissist does the victim ends up with depression, mental illness and then sometimes commits suicide to be with the narcissist.
When the person is isolated and brainwashed into believing that his or her environment and isolation is freedom then he or she will defend that false belief of freedom, defend their captors, and fight to the death to protect the very people who are abusing the victim and destroying the victims life. Mental slavery using such mental brainwashing as the Stockholm Syndrome, and Gaslighting etc are very effective and can be used on the masses as well as individuals to convince them that the captivity they suffer in is freedom and the best for them. They are also convinced that being in captivity and ruled over by others means that they are in the best hands possible.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
August 27, 2016 at 10:50 AM.