Named after the 1973 robbery of Kreditbanken in Stockholm, Sweden, in which 2 robbers held 4 bank employees hostage from August 23rd to August 28th. The victims got to know their captors, and they became emotionally attached to them to the degree that they even defended them after the event. ○ A person who has no strong mental foundation and can be manipulated by others to follow the crowd or submit to others beliefs. Even when the facts stare clearly in their face they will still allow themselves to be seduced by their captors (mental manipulators). Some of the captors create a world of fear around their victim and the victim thinks that they are safe in the hands of their captors.This makes them easy to manipulate because the victim is too frightened to leave the home to get real help. A person can be a hostage of sorts in their own home simply because they have been convinced that being there is the safest thing for them. God’s ways are of freedom. There is no freedom in being fooled by others. As time goes by people can see those who are their enemies as their friend, due to a closer physical relationship and bonding is possible. ○ In an FBI file I read this: 1) Hostages have positive feelings for their captors. 2) Victims show fear, distrust, and anger toward the authorities. 3) Perpetrators display positive feelings toward captives as they begin to see them as human beings. People can use sympathy to get people to like them and support them. Closer bonding can bring one to creating a relationship that have a foundation of fear of Authorities or those who can really help. In general they can convince a person to see things their way, and not go to authorities because it is wrong, but it isn’t. Dictators can convince a nation that to follow them (even to their own deaths, or the deaths of loved ones) is the best choice for them and their future. ○ As adults they convince the innocent child mind, which is easy prey, to follow their guidance. And while they abuse the child through the years they convince the young growing person that people of authority are bad and not to trust them. Naturally the abusers only want the victims to listen to them. ○ This protects the abusers so that the abuser can continue to do their harm. If one of the victims freaks out then the abusers won’t go to the proper authorities for help, no instead they will try to convince the young victim that they are the ones to trust and they will bring in their own “experts” to convince the victims that they are the ones with the problems. ○ So they brainwash the victims into thinking that they are wrong and that the abusers are right. Always be aware that there are people out there that can make us feel protected while they are really abusing our minds and controlling our lives. ○ All the best from James M Sandbrook. Sunday, July 13, 2014 at 11:57pm UTC+12.
Origin of a diagnosis and its relationship to domestic abuse. Standing by a hurtful person could seem contradictory. The typical human instinct when facing a threat is running away and hiding. For some women in abusive relationships, this protective nature seems to fall by the wayside. Stockholm syndrome is one illness putting the mental and physical health of the target in danger. * Stockholm syndrome is a condition characterized by a sense of sympathy and other positive feelings by a victim toward their captor. One particularly infamous case, as reported by the BBC, is Patricia “Patty” Hearst, an American newspaper heiress kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) in 1974. Over a short period of time, the SLA managed to convince her to commit a crime in the organization’s interest.
Frank Ochberg, a psychiatrist, was intrigued by this phenomenon and defined the conditions of Stockholm syndrome. “First … people believe they are going to die. Then they experience a type of infantilization – where, like a child, they are unable to eat, speak or go to the toilet without permission. Small acts of kindness – such as being given food – prompts a ‘primitive gratitude for the gift of life’,” Ochberg said. In response, the victim can experience a primal positive feeling toward the captor and deny the negative aspects of the perpetrator’s character. This can create a bond, Ochberg said. * Joseph M. Carver, Ph.D., extended this occurrence to domestic abuse victims. Carver found in his studies many patients shocked to remember the things they tolerated or did during times of duress, such as considering suicide while depressed or embracing an abuser despite physical and emotional violence. ○ Carver defined four specific situations in Stockholm syndrome domestic abuse cases. These include: • The presence of a perceived occasional kindness from the abuser. • The deletion of all perspectives besides the criminal. • Difficulty for the victim to escape. • A threat to the victim’s physical or mental safety. ○ Carver provided several strategies for families wanting to help a loved one in an abusive situation without losing him or her and inflaming the wrath of the abuser. Maintaining regular contact with the victim without holding on too tightly can provide refuge while not seeming judgmental or suffocating. If the criminal is separating the target from most family and friends, those still around can pass on messages of love and support through the “grapevine.” In the hopeful scenario, when the victim contemplates escaping the abuser, Carver recommended against loved ones “blasting the door down” and dragging him or her away. Instead, test the waters of the escape and let the victim lead the way. Sometimes these plans can take months or years to fulfill. – Nicholas Ruiz.
From the book Toxic Parents:Control: “It’s For Your Own Good”Control is not necessarily a dirty word. If a mother restrains her toddler instead of letting him wander into the street, we don’t call her a controller, we call her prudent. She is exercising control that is in tune with reality, motivated by her child’s need for protection and guidance. Appropriate control becomes overcontrol when the mother restrains her child ten years later, long after the child is perfectly able to cross the street alone.Children who are not encouraged to do, to try, to explore, to master, and to risk failure, often feel helpless and inadequate. Overcontrolled by anxious, fearful parents, these children often become anxious and fearful themselves. This makes it difficult for them to mature. When they develop through adolescence and adulthood, many of them never outgrow the need for ongoing parental guidance and control. As a result, their parents continue to invade, manipulate, and frequently dominate their lives. The fear of not being needed motivates many controlling parents to perpetuate this sense of powerlessness in their children. These parents have an unhealthy fear of the ’empty nest syndrome,’ the inevitable sense of loss that all parents experience when their children finally leave home. So much of a controlling parent’s identity is tied up in the parental role that he or she feels betrayed and abandoned when the child becomes independent. What makes a controlling parent so insidious is that the domination usually comes in the guise of concern. Phrases such as, “this is for your own good,” “I’m only doing this for you,” and, “only because I love you so much,” all mean the same thing: “I’m doing this because I’m so afraid of losing you that I’m willing to make you miserable.” – Susan Forward.
Cases of Stockholm Syndrome.
One way to recognise a Toxic Parent/Child relationship is when the child is an adult her or she should take over their own life. If the parent/s are still in a controlling position in the child-adults life or can be a sign of toxic parenting. ° The parent/s can claim that the child-adult has coping issues, mental illness, etc, but this is just a way of making it look legal and caring, the reality is that the child-adult is probably a victim of The Stockholm Syndrome and/or Munchausen syndrome by proxy where the parent makes the child ill and claims that he or she must look after the child, but to stay like this the parent keeps the child ill or mentally ill. ° An adult comes to a stage in life where he or she must cope on their own, if this is not so and you feel suspicious you should look deeper into the parent/child relationship.Brought up in a healthy environment the adult parents and the adult children should have a good healthy adult-to-adult relationship. The adult-child should not be depending on the parents for support, decisions etc. All the best from James M Sandbrook.
A person can be “manipulated by proxy”, by someone who they don’t suspect, but seems a good friend but is working for the original manipulators.
* True story: A young woman who was brought up in a home where she was abused by her mother (Stockholm Syndrome, masochism by proxy, gaslighting etc) and for many years was under the mothers control. In time, the young woman distanced herself from her narcissist abusive parents and gained a young brunette friend. She was a pretty innocent looking young lady, but she was secretly meeting with the sister of the girl who was past-manipulated, and the brunette was being told how to push the right buttons to keep the daughter under the parents control. The young brunette was a remote control manipulator for the narcissist parents. She came across as the perfect friend, drove around in a nice little white car, and fit the bill of her role very well. She even looked like the sister who she was getting the advice off – this helped with the manipulation and subconscious auto-suggestion techniques used. * Narcissists hate to let go of their victims, it is a pride thing and an ego boost if they can remain in control no matter how. But they especially don’t want to lose control if they have something to hide from the law, and keeping the victim adult-child under control means keeping the victims mouth shut. ○ Not all people are who they seem, and careful selection and careful manipulation can be done by remote control by a willing person who has no problem with being sneaky and faking friendship.
All the best from James M Sandbrook.
God requires us to be thinkers and to be wise. To be wise means to live our lives with our eyes wide open. We are expected to turn from bad ways to good ways. We are expected to forgive and then help people find Salvation and a new life which leads to a new destiny. We are expected to investigate what happens around us carefully. We are not supposed to be easily fooled.Part of freeing those who are slaves is about freeing those who are mentally slaves to society or to mental abuses. God wants us to know about all forms of abuses and for us to keep our eyes open as we go through our days. We should always be someone that people can trust and a willing ear to those who have been mistreated and fooled by their abusers. Stockholm Syndrome. Named after the 1973 robbery of Kreditbanken in Stockholm, Sweden, in which 2 robbers held 4 bank employees hostage from August 23rd to August 28th. The victims got to know their captors, and they became emotionally attached to them to the degree that they even defended them after the event. A domineering character who takes a hostage can assume the motherly role and wants the victim to be totally dependant on them for all their needs. This way the victim may beg, or ask for what they need for survival. The victim can change the situation around in their frightened mind so that they avoid unpleasant thoughts about their captor and instead create a new situation that may keep them safe. The victim can adjust their thinking to survival mode and find it safest to side with the domineering person for safety sake rather than face being against the abuser. The perpetrator/abuser will show some form of kindness to their victim. (Mind you, a captive may feel that a lack of abuse is a form of kindness as well.) One can be grateful for the end of abuse and therefore can even be grateful to the abuser that the abuse has stopped and this can help bring a bond between them. Another way to cause bonding is to create a “common cause” where the abuser and victim are to stand together as one. We all like to feel needed and wanted, so the abuser can create a situation to confuse the victim into believing that the abuser is their protector and that others are against the victim, when in reality it is the opposite case in real life. It has been known that people who are sexually abused, in particular mothers abusing daughters the victim defends the abuser/s. With a mother and daughter situation the mother has many years of gentle (brain washing – grooming) persuasion to convince the young girl that ‘mother knows best’ and that even the authorities are not to be trusted because they don’t understand the love and “special relationship” between the mother and daughter. The victim eagerly wanting to please her mother will listen and follow her mothers advice and can let the mother guide her life for her. A child or teenager must go through trials and experiences to learn how to cope with life as an adult. If someone else chooses for us and rules our life then we don’t learn the lessons that we need to learn and we are weakened by this. As an adult when a tough challenge or situation comes up we won’t have experience to back us up so our learning foundation is weak and we may cling to a parent or friends to choose for us because we don’t have the courage, or will, or experience to know what is best for us. A person who is weakened by society can be an easy victim to a domineering crafty person. A weak-minded giggly teenager who is selfish and very worldly has no strong mental foundation and can be manipulated by others to follow the crowd or submit to others beliefs, or be taken advantage of by an adult predator. God requires of us to bring up good wholesome children so that they can withstand the temptations of society and they have the courage to stand up for what is right. A person who had been abused or groomed for sex has had their childhood emotional, moral and mental foundation weakened, they will have the wrong ideas about what is right and wrong and this makes them easy victims for mind manipulation and brain washing. A domineering parent/person who was the power of years of experience (that a young child does not have) and the abuser can convince the victim that they are their friend and that they are safe with them. A person can be a hostage of sorts in their own home simply because they have been convinced that being there is the safest thing for them. This gives the abuser more time to convince the victim to follow them and do as they say. God’s ways are of freedom. There is no freedom in being fooled by others. As time goes by people can see those who are their enemies as their friend, due to a closer physical relationship and so bonding is possible. In an FBI file I read this about Stockholm Syndrome: Individuals involved in situations resulting in Stockholm syndrome display three characteristics, although these do not always exist together. 1) Hostages have positive feelings for their captors. 2) Victims show fear, distrust, and anger toward the authorities. 3) Perpetrators display positive feelings toward captives as they begin to see them as human beings. People doing wrong can use sympathy to get people to like them and support them. Time with a person allows a close bonding, and this can bring one to creating a relationship that can be very strong. Criminals have used this type of bonding to get people on their side, even those who they are hurting and the hostage situation is proof of this. The Patty Hearst example is proof of a person kidnapped, sexually and physically abused and then working voluntarily for her abusers in armed holdups. From the Patty Hearst example we can see that criminals can find ways that can brain wash a person into sympathizing with the people doing wrong and then the victim willingly supporting their abusers. Dictators can convince a nation that to follow their leadership (even to the peoples own deaths, or the deaths of loved ones – Hitler did this type of convincing) as the best choice for them, the best for the country and their future. Imagine the young child of about nine years old or so brought into a group of adults who sexually molest children. As adults they convince the innocent child mind, which is easy prey for the adult mind, to follow their guidance. And while they abuse the child through the years they convince the young growing person that people of authority are bad and not to trust them, or that those in authority don’t understand them. Naturally the abusers only want the victims to listen to them. This protects the abusers. If one of the victims freaks out then the abusers won’t go to the proper authorities for help, no instead they will try to convince the young victim that they are the ones to trust. Never hate yourself or abuse yourself because others have taken advantage of you as a child. It is not your fault because a child is no match for the cunning of an adult, especially an adult we were supposed to love with all our heart and soul. Don’t judge others for the same thing. Instead be an encouragement and offer assistance if you can, and do the best that you can to understand their situation and always be willing to help those in need. I hope that this article was useful to you. All the best from James M Sandbrook. August 11, 2013.
Patty Hurst was the major example that shocked the world. She became a supporter of her captors. The Stockholm Syndrome is where the captor becomes supportive of the people in the wrong because the captor creates a relationship with the victim. And once convinced the victim takes up arms and supports their captives.History is riddled with examples of this. It is through unfair harsh judgements from people who don’t understand the human mind and how it works and how it can be seduced that causes so much misunderstanding and confusion. Hitler and modern governments use the Stockholm Syndrome (on a regular basis) today on the masses with huge success. They are overpowering, and yet they play the victim, they talk a good speech and the gullible masses fall for the cause of the rich politician and vote for that person, who in the long run basically only feathers their own nest. And it repeats from one election to another, and the masses never click that they are being used and abused. And what is totally amazing is that the masses fully support their abusers and the abusers political party over and over again. In fact, you probably do this yourself, and yet pride will blind you to the facts, and stubbornness will refuse you to lower that pride enough to see the truth that escapes you, the truth that you don’t want to see, and yet, it is the only truth that will set you free from being taken advantage of so easily. ○ All the best from James M Sandbrook. May 11, 2017
The invention of the Internet, Social Media, and the excellent cameras that are in the hands of the general public have woken us up to a whole new world, and giving thought and imagination a new burst of life.In the past, TV documentaries, news, movies, only showed us a “selected” version of life and what is really out there. It is yet another result of the Industrial Revolution which wants us to be submissive, in control, and doing what we have been groomed to believe is the truth. It is by controlling the people to believe and accept what they are told and not how to think, that they have gotten away with so much, for so long. The Stockholm Syndrome is the main method used to control the masses, and the masses stand up and protect their captors (sometimes with their own lives in wars etc) in the patriotic belief that the government system is freedom, and a lifetime of slavery working for the wealthy is freedom and happiness – we get a tiny cut, they get a huge cut of the profits, yet we did all the work. Current society is anything but fair, honest and decent. It simply caters for the few and reaps the huge rewards of the masses to a few. The grooming and brainwashing has been very successful and effective. It is very obvious when you bring up any thought, theory or idea of corruption in high places. The brainwashed think that a true thinker is not faithful to the country and people of it seems that they don’t follow and have blind faith in the status quo. Basically modern day living is being presented with “a truth” of very limited value, but keeps us amused, working for the wealthy and politicians, and keeps us believing that the human race is very intelligent and knows all that there is to know. Scientists, education, government, etc, all know very little about the planet, space etc. A huge amount of what we are taught “is assumed or made up” to make the public believe that we are all in safe hands and that we are the most intelligent beings etc. The trouble is for those trying to keep us gullible and easily led, is that since the Internet, Social Media and the general publics own investigations have come up with more and more new discoveries, things that we have never been told, thing we never thought of before, have led the masses to start questioning the established teachings. This new view of life and what is really going on out there changes the Belief System that we have been taught to believe is the truth, and only the truth. We are discovering new ways to do things, new views of life and reality, getting to see videos, documentaries and movies that may have been banned from our country or were originally for a smaller selected audience. With all this new very random information flooding into our lives we are rethinking what we were originally taught by the establishment, and we are finding that life is far different than what we were led to believe. We are discovering where we were led astray in the past, easily influenced and confused, and taken advantage of by the wealthy, established systems, political people, set in place by those wishing to deceive us and take advantage of our good will, in other words the masses are slowly waking up to see a new truth that is far more more important than getting a job, being in a lifetime of debt, and working till we die, having achieved so very little for all those years of doing what the rulers of the land (the wealthy and political institution etc) have told us is the right way to live. They use our honesty, good will, our desire for freedom, truth, love and happiness, to convince us that this pathetic existence is the best way to live possible – while they remain filthy rich and we struggle to pay off our basic ongoing bills. All the best from James M Sandbrook. April 25, 2018