The manipulator believes that he or she has an authority to judge, condemn, take action, correct, push around people

The manipulator believes that they have an authority to judge, condemn, take action, correct, push around people and to control lives due to their very misguided belief that he or she has a special place in the world, along with their belief that others are weak and are too simple to run and control their own lives.

The manipulator can believe that they are superior to others, and that they actually are better at running other people’s lives because the people themselves cannot do so and cannot function well without the manipulator/narcissist/s.

The manipulator does not feel guilt when he or she lies to those who they are controlling, because the manipulator/s  believe that the lies are for the good of the person who they are manipulating.

Any evil can be done to the innocent without guilt by the evil doer as long as the evil doer thinks that he or she is doing it for progress or to help (themselves) and others who they are manipulating – thus, they ignore their own doubts and conscience.

Once you discover that a person is a narcissist or has been manipulating you, don’t ever expect that he or she has a conscience, because even if they act like they regret and have a conscience, it is only to fool you,.

The proof of them having no conscience or care for you is in the past when manipulating and abusing you they showed clearly that they felt no guilt or regrets when doing it.

 A Pastor, Teacher, Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, President, Prime Minister, Boss, Mayor, can all be manipulators, in fact anyone can be one, and anyone can be the victim.
The manipulator believes that they have the right to tell you how to think, what to think, and what to do about it, because you don’t have the ability (in their opinion) to look after your own life. It is a huge insult to be manipulated by such people because they actually view you as sheep needing help because they are superior to you (Dictator of your life).
Through the years the hard times come to the victim/s, the manipulator tells the victim/s that others are the cause of the victim/s misery to keep the attention of failure off the manipulator. Blaming others has benefits to the manipulator, one is that they can avoid blame and deflect it to others, and two they can destroy anyone that the manipulator sees as a threat to their power by blaming that innocent person.
Guilt treatment is another tool of the manipulator as well. For instance a Pastor can blame the congregation for constantly failing God, the church and the Pastor and his family, and the congregation feels so guilty that they stay dedicated and meek under the controlling guidance of the manipulator.
After years of being seduced to the thinking of the manipulator, the victim/s (Stockholm Syndrome) will attack or have no respect for someone that the manipulator tells them is bad etc. They simply accept all that the manipulator says because they have been trained and groomed to believe the manipulator above all other people. They don’t need proof that a person is bad, all they need is the word of the manipulator. That is what mental manipulation (brainwashing) is all about.
The manipulator can use your sympathy for their struggles to control you, please be wary of that. They play the poor sad pathetic victim, and they play on the kind heart of their victims to get their way. They keep the victim weak-minded because only in that state can they control the victim. The manipulator greatly fears that the victim will one day think for themselves and break away to freedom.
A religious person who is a controller/manipulator type can get away with a lot because he or she has the belief that their title is proof that God is backing them and their judgments of others, and also the wrong or right actions that they take. They can be very dangerous if the followers are easily groomed to follow the manipulator religious person without thinking. The victims blindly do as they are told, because they are told that it is the will of God.
Political manipulators can hide behind their titles and years of good decent previous leaders (living on others reputations), while manipulating the country and people to do their bidding.
Patriotism is a key weapon (Stockholm Syndrome) and power, the Police, armed forces, the press and endless money are their tools. Political dictators and leaders are often only removed by a revolution, but the general public need to believe that something is really wrong before they will take any action.
Manipulators blame their victims (and other people) for what goes wrong.
Manipulators tell others that it is the victims fault and that it is “them” that need correcting, the manipulator refuses to accept responsibility for their own mistakes and foolishness, and they refuse to accept that they have hurt other people’s lives or even destroyed people’s family happiness. To accept blame does not fit into their false image that they are superior, and admitting blame may mean that they need to hand over control to others.
Consider this, the manipulator can really truly believe that they are a superior being and that they are really doing good by manipulating other people’s lives. They tell themselves lies all the time to support their manipulating ways, they do this so that they can keep believing in themselves and believing in what they do to others. That is dangerous and scary. One must get away from such people who have such thoughts about their own abilities.
The role of the victim is to discover that they have been manipulated for years and to break those chains of attachment and move away taking over their own life, and therefor controlling their own happiness and future from that point onwards.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
24th of November, 2014.