The manipulator believes that they have an authority to judge, condemn, take action, correct, push around people and to control lives due to their very misguided belief that he or she has a special place in the world, along with their belief that others are weak and are too simple to run and control their own lives.
The manipulator can believe that they are superior to others, and that they actually are better at running other people’s lives because the people themselves cannot do so and cannot function well without the manipulator/narcissist/s.
The manipulator does not feel guilt when he or she lies to those who they are controlling, because the manipulator/s believe that the lies are for the good of the person who they are manipulating.
Any evil can be done to the innocent without guilt by the evil doer as long as the evil doer thinks that he or she is doing it for progress or to help (themselves) and others who they are manipulating – thus, they ignore their own doubts and conscience.
Once you discover that a person is a narcissist or has been manipulating you, don’t ever expect that he or she has a conscience, because even if they act like they regret and have a conscience, it is only to fool you,.
The proof of them having no conscience or care for you is in the past when manipulating and abusing you they showed clearly that they felt no guilt or regrets when doing it.
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