Marriage has to be the greatest gift of all because of its depth of goodness. A man, a woman, children – a continuation that breeds yet other families. The masculine part, the feminine part, an equal blending of each to build and guide the children up until they too will reach out and have families of their own, casting their parents knowledge and wisdom further with each child, grandchild forever.
The marriage blessed by God is the marriage where the two are chosen by God for each other. The past mistakes of each are lessons into which they will take into their new life in marriage, but as is with our own individual lives where we learn from the past, the two can also learn from each other and each others pasts.
A marriage is a new life on its own. They two become one – they are one. Their life will be one. They work as one to complete their existence and their goal which should always be God first, then family – and with dedication to their young they should protect, care, nurture and respect them. (some people may struggle with such things from their own childhoods, with abuse and such – but God will set a person with another person who will help take them away from the past – if they are willing to listen)
In the beginning while the passion is there, there must also be a willingness to forgive quickly, and reach out to each other for help, guidance and comfort.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
16 February 2013.