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The Human Body is not the same for every human being and this can make diagnosing problems a person is having difficult sometimes, because that person may not feel physically what other people are feeling and therefore he or she does not fit into the category that the many fit into.
Of course a person’s emotional, mental and physical state at the time of being examined and questioned should also be taken into consideration.
We all know that a person’s mental and emotional state can have an affect on their physical body.
In many cases if the person’s emotional and/or mental state is improved then he or she can feel physically better and their physical ailments disappear.
What appears to be a physical issue can really be an emotional issue, mental issues, or sensitivity to pain, thus the pain is highlighted in certain individuals.
Also it is important to remember, that the senses in each and every person, they are different for all, just like our fingerprints, and the human senses change with our health, emotional condition and so forth.
We humans are ever-changing, always developing, aging, growing, and therefore always in different mental, emotional, and physical states all through our lives.
It is well known in the medical fields that some people are very sensitive to pain. (Hyperalgesia).
You could think of it as 0 to 10. We are all in that pain sensitive area between 0 and 10, some people feel extreme pain over things that a person at position 1 barely feels.
Our body conditions fluctuate often, as well, and this makes it hard to make a correct diagnosis sometimes.
For me sometimes when I walk past something, or something touches my skin I can feel pain, kind of like”pain is rubbing against me” or something hot, like I am being burned but I am not being burned. Like Allodynia.
You can develop Hyperalgesia if you use opioid drugs, so do be careful with your body, you only get one body, look after it.
You can feel sensitive pain in a part of the body you have injured, yet others don’t feel the same intensity that you feel and they may feel that you are “putting on an act”, but for you the pain is very real.
For me, I just don’t tell people I feel the pain and just live with the pain.
I have developed ways to hide the pain and in doing so people don’t make a comment.
I have accepted the pain, that I am sensitive to pain and that this will not go away.
These people can feel pain in a sharper more direct way that other people don’t feel.
For instance at the dentist I need the most powerful legal drug to stop the pain when I get a filling or tooth pulled out.
Within the body the Pain-Sensitive person can feel normal internal body functions as painful, or discomfortable and so on, and then see a doctor and be diagnosed incorrectly.
The doctor can see that your issues (if you are Pain-Sensitive) are in line with a proven illness in the same area, such as pain in the stomach, intestines and so on, giving the impression of a much more serious issue when in reality it is a simple discomfort or pain that other people hardly or don’t feel at all. You could be operated on when there is really nothing wrong with yourself. If your doctor is not so sensitive to pain then he or she may struggle to see that your issue is simple because he or she does not feel that kind of pain in that spot themselves, so they assume that it is something serious for you when it isn’t.
We need to get to know our own body, how we feel, and also know whether we are very sensitive to pain.
The mind and its imaginative powers can play tricks on us and convince us that something is wrong when nothing is wrong. So, if you have discovered that you are Pain-Sensitive then please do be aware that you may feel physically that something is drastically wrong, and in order to be healed you may allow the hospital to do things to your physical body that don’t need doing.
If a person is sensitive to pain, more so than most other people then we need to admit that we have this problem and be aware that discomfort in the muscles and body are normal, and we just feel them more than others.
See a doctor, find out if you are Pain-Sensitive.
A sure sign is if you are given a “local” injection to ease the pain say for stitches and the injection is very painful, yet for others it isn’t. You are not “a cry-baby” if you feel pain that others laugh at, you are very sensitive to pain and yu need to understand that, and other people should be more understanding about what you have to live through that they don’t.
Another sign is that if you are at the dentist and the dentist is drilling into your tooth and you are in pain even after you have had the painkiller injection. That is a sign that the painkillers that others use are not strong enough for you to not feel the pain.
Also please be aware that your family members or friends may feel this discomfort as well, and they need your understanding and help sometimes.
All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
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