Why people sometimes don’t understand others.
If a woman is a practiced-feminist then she is so used to submitting to feminism and the cause that she knows nothing else.
So ice, that never becomes water never knows what water is or that it can be happier, warmer and useful, instead of just cold and chilly, much like the apathetic feminist that assumes that she is loving, but just looking after her own needs and health and giving herself opportunities that she won’t get with a male.
So in this state of mind she cannot feel, and has never experienced a different state of mind, so when she is defending her feminism she is doing this from a standpoint of not even having experience what she is fighting against, she is just doing what her others sister-in-feminism are doing fighting anything or any state-of-being other than feminism.
If you hate slavery and have never been a slave, you ain’t felt the hell. You can still comment on it, but those who have really been there know what they are talking about.
If feminist has never been in love, never truly made-love, never allowed herself to let the man or childrne to go first, or been humble, and so on then in reality she has no self-education of the state of being a loving-wife to go by. In other words as a feminist, materialist and of apathy, she has no idea what she is disregarding and telling her sisters of feminism to avoid.
But the weird thing is, its the total disregard of human history dating back thousands of years where women were very happy being wives, honouring their husband and loving their childrne with true humble sacrifice as good loving parents do.
The modern feminist is a plastic-wife and plastic-mother, a cheaper version of the humble loving wife and humble loving mother.
– James Martin Sandbrook.