Mentally Fed Trauma/Anxiety

Mentally Fed Trauma/Anxiety
A person, who is innocent, has been talked about in a negative way. Say it is a man who people say is a rapist, it s Character Assassination. The young female working in a supermarket can be mentally disturbed each and every times she sees this man. Out of work hours she sees him, and in her panic and fear that he may be after her to rape, seduce and do terrible things to her she flips out.
Gossip, lies, and Character Assassination can do this. It causes even more victims from the weak minded, and the young. They create in their own minds a great fear of something that does not exist. If they are young, vain, female and insecure, this along with what they have been told forms fears, anxieties,
The narcissist knows that we have a natural instinct to want justice, to protect others, so they are sure that we will spread the word of evil believing that we are doing good to protect others, but in doing so we spread a fear that didn’t exist before, and this can cause people to hurt the innocent person to the narcissist’s delight, and for the gullible listeners to have serious mental issues from their own inner-panic and new anxiety.
This is why we must not be “carriers” of the narcissist’s types evil plans. We can make the situation a whole lot worse by spreading the gossip, and lies that we were told by the narcissist. If someone has mental issues, panic, anxiety etc from lies and gossip then that person could be driven to panic, go insane, commit suicide, self harming etc, because the gullible listener thinks that what they have been told is correct and they fear the targeted person of the Character Assassination very very much.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.

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