New Zealand Covid App

The New Zealand Covid Tracer is an application for your cell phone that uses your camera to scan a NZ Covid Tracer Poster at a company’s site. The company sends away a request for the poster that is personally made for that company with its details, when they get the poster they put it on a door, wall, somewhere where the public get easy access to it as well as the workers and staff for that company. You scan the poster, and the details of where you are is stored in your cell phone, I thinks its for a month or so.

The idea is that they can trace where you have been and if a person who has the Covid virus has been there as well you will need to be tested. First download the app to your cell phone and then find the app icon in your phone, it will look like the one shown in Fig 2.

Fig 2

The app has a nifty feature where you can see where you have been. I use it for work to help me make sure where I was on my work paperwork. You can see in Fig 3 that at the top is My Diary, touch that (on your phone) and you will see a list of the places where you scanned and have been.

Fig 3

For example here is a list of places I went yesterday afternoon.

Fig 4

If you live in New Zealand you should use this app It also has the capability to connect to a person walking past you who has the app and as long as their Bluetooth is on the two phones will note that you both have been close to one another.

It cost the government, that means us Joe Public, around 6 million dollars for the app. Its all in aid of fighting the virus, so it is a good idea to have it and use it often, wherever you go.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.

7th of March, 2021.