It is not wise for a parent to allow their child to watch entertainment material that will influence their child to do things that will be to the detriment to the family as a whole or to the mental education of that child.
We parents must use wise thought as one of our major weapons as we bring up our children. This is very important. And it is very wise to help our children “see” what Is Right and what is Not Right. We need to show them what is right as a lesson or to show us how to “be” as a human being.
To show our children what is Not Right by explaining or showing our children how not to be as a person. We can do this by letting our children know what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in our own home. This should be done from when the child is young, and up to the time that the child leaves home.
Our children are not able to pick and choose what they want to see and do so we are meant to do it for them, at least to some degree. To not do this is to allow our child to run free and do as he or she pleases. To let them run free is to have undisciplined children,
To discipline children you need to take an active role in that child’s life. And that active role needs to be so regular that you and that child will know each other deeply, so that you can understand each other. This cannot be stressed enough. If you really, really want to help guide your child then you must be there for that child. There is no other solution, none other has ever been found and no other will be found. A parent must be very active in his or her child’s life. If you are not active in your child’s life then you have no excuse for badly behaving children. You have no right to complain. You can complain and search for answers to a badly behaved child “after” you have made every attempt to guide that child from the bottom floor, the floor that this child is on.
To put that child in any child-care situation is to be on a different level than your child. You must be there for that child, for all of the children in your care. To “put” your child in anyone else’s care is to show (even though the child may never tell you) the child that you have put him or her second to whatever it is that you “do” without that child. You can even consider a job as something that you put before your child in your life and home.
If you put your children or child in a child-care center for the day while you and your husband or wife go to the beach for the day to “be alone and have some fun” you are doing two very dangerous things. You are letting your child know that he or she is not wanted while you and your partner get some space, or time alone, or social time. And you are confirming to yourself that you are putting your “wants” (not needs) ahead of your children’s needs.
You get what it is that you put into your children’s lives. How they react to you as they grow older is a direct result of the way that you have treated that child. This has nothing to do about wealth. History has easily shown that some of the most loving families in history were very poor, some deeply on the poverty line. And many, many great caring child came from poor families. Money is just an excuse. An excuse to not be with our children.
All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
Friday, 14 July 2006, 11:20:08 PM.
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