Create An Even Balance With Discipline
A parent needs to feel encouraged while he or she is disciplining the family children. It is sometimes not an easy chore, but it must be done.
When dealing with your children you need to try to be as fair as you reasonably can, while also maintaining family discipline in order. We need to be able to take in our children’s total situations in ‘at a glance’, or as close to this as possible. I try not to have any family issues turn into big events. It is good to make efforts to remember the child’s personal character when you deal with that child, but especially when you deal with all your children at once, or at least with two or more children at once. If two children (note teenagers are in this category as well) are having a dispute we need to take in mentally both situations immediately. If the issue appears to be to complex then we need to give both children the same amount of time to explain his or her reason for the dispute and why it happened and why this person reacted in the way that he or she did.
If you have spent lots of time with your children as they have grown up then you will have a fairly (or very) good idea what this person likes and dislikes. You will know a lot (more than anyone else probably) about this persons character as well. This knowledge can help greatly while you keep order in your home.
But always try to avoid labeling a child as a troublemaker. If a child appears to be a troublemaker then efforts needed to be taken to change this situation.
When our children have a dispute we need to ensure that your mind is in the correct order for handling the dispute. This means that you should not be taking any form of alcohol or drugs (drug abuse) which could seriously affect your handling of the situation. By being a reliable, stable parent your children will have a much stronger respect for you and your decisions than if you were abusing some substance.
All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
Tuesday, 24 October 2006, 7:27:54 PM.
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