Parenting & Children Notes.

Games with children are important. Children are naturals for having a good time if left to their own ways.

Fun is their way and with fun they learn how to interact with other children. If a child misses the fun and games of childhood then there is a serious chance of that child having relationship problems with other people and the struggle of learning how to react and deal with people as a teenager or as an adult.

Parents and grandparents have the golden opportunity to have fun with their children. It can be hard to believe for some families to find out that there are some parents and grandparents who have never played with their children, or after some period of time the parents have become ‘serious’ and have put aside their playtime with their children for the more serious life activities that are there. Some parents decide aft5er some time as parents that it is now the time to have their ‘fun’ again and they to a fair degree neglect this very important opportunity to play with their children.

What is fun with a child? It is many different activities.
It could simply be telling a story from your past. It could be an actual physical activity like running, playing tag, doing silly antics around the back yard, it could be swimming or doing any outdoor activities. Even work can be fun, like building a new playhouse with your children.

All this fun also carries with it a lot of learning for you and the child. A wise adult knows that children can teach and reteach an adult many things. Sometimes by just being around a child we can be reminded through this interaction with the child of some lesson or piece of knowledge from deep in our own past that we have forgotten.

All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
‎Sunday, ‎25 ‎March ‎2007, ‏‎9:07:02 AM.