The world is full of toxic-parent-taught children.
We are the ones who have tried and struggled to find ways to take those lovely children that we love and care for and try to bring them up as wonderful loving people, but its not happening, we are failing, but why, how can this be?
It is because in the old days people with or without money were mostly able to train their children with their own lives, they taught their children with common sense and showed the child that if he or she were not able to keep their room clean then how could they expect to keep a car in worthy safe order, or a house, or a bank account etc. The children learned from this and grew to be strong thinking and able people.
Couple this with a belief in God, good values, in themselves, trust, hope, faith, and we have the beginnings of something good. You would be very pleased to have children like this. And they would respect you (ever remember reading the story of the child who respected the parents who were strict but loving, firm but fair in their treatment of their own lives and their children) as you respect them.
The parents live the lives that they teach their children.
All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
Monday, 15 June 2009, 10:05:44 AM
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