Parenting & Children Notes.

Try at all times to give time to your children. Of course the more children the more demands you would have for your time. But that is a part of parenting that must be organised sensibly throughout the day.

A good thing to do is to ask your children to have manners when they want to tell you something. Make it a house rule. Tell all the family that it is to be this way and parents must also obey this rule when the children are talking between themselves.

All these rules of course can be broken when there is some sort of emergency etc.

Ask the children to say “Excuse me!” when they want to tell you something when you are reading, or talking to somebody or otherwise when your concentration is on something else.

This greatly removed stress in the home when it appears that the children are driving you8 crazy with interruptions and demands. A formal approach is a good idea in these situations.

All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
Tuesday, ‎29 ‎January ‎2008, ‏‎2:56:15 PM.