Parenting & Children Notes.

Parents Can Interfere when its needed.

You as a parent can interfere when one of your children does something that you consider wrong or unfair. You can do this without feeling any guilt. It pays to be careful how you handle the situation, but this is often how it is when a parent deals with children.

An example of this is when a smaller child gets a toy that she has always wanted. One day she is in an exceptional giving mood and she offer’s her toy to another (perhaps older child in the family or even a friend) child in the family as a gift. As a parent you will know at some later time this child will greatly feel disappointed (read sad here) because of a generous whim.

One of a parents tasks is to ensure that the dealings between the children are done with all fairness and even if a child means well with his actions the parents must do what is fair and right. Also the parent needs to explain the situation to all involved.

Many times a parent may wrestle with his or her conscience over an issue that involved the children.

If you know that you did the right thing for those involved and you arguments has unselfish common sense then all should be alight.

All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
‎Tuesday, ‎31 ‎October ‎2006, ‏‎8:21:34 PM.