Parenting & Children Notes.

To trust your children is a wonderful thing.


You may say, “Why my child is so badly behaved that I cannot trust him!” This is a great starting point to trusting this child – from the bottom, when it seems that your child has reached rock bottom.

You say that you cannot trust him, well now is the time to start learning how to trust him. If he is a child then he needs to learn what trust is. He also needs to learn that you love him and that you will put him in situations that he can prove that he is trustworthy. Now depending on how your child acts and reacts to life this could be a simple thing or it will take some time. Everyone is different, s please share your love and be patient with your child.

To a person who has never felt that anyone trusts him (or her), the feeling that somebody will start to trust you or actually does trust you is enormous and to many very overwhelming.

You can also be assured that as your growth with God goes and you keep on the path to a better God guided life that your trust in God will grow in great amounts. And to know that God trusts you is an amazing feeling – you will now this feeling when you realise that God will give you some great and wonderful job to complete. God knows that you can do these things that He asks of you.

To many a child who has grown up in a town, big city or even in a country of famine, learning of trust or love can be hard to come by. It is us who have the love and trust of our families and friends, it is us who must find some way, some path that will lead us past all the politics, red tape and excuses to reach out and touch these poor lost and lonely souls who have never been trusted during their lives, children, teenagers and even adults who have never felt the touch of a human hand of warmth and love or a kind tear of sympathy, or words of encouragement to touch the heart and mend the soul.

All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
‎Friday, ‎23 ‎June ‎2006, ‏‎11:18:34 AM.