Parenting & Children Notes.

A child brought up in an emotionally or violently disruptive family has a great chance of being involved in drugs and alcohol abuse as well as a violent person, not only to his or her family but even to the people he or she comes into contact with.

Children who are mistreated are even likely to be nervous, anxious, suffer depression, and could even be hyperactive.

With all the new talk of how to treat our children so that they grow up good natured and good members of society I do believe that all we really need to do is see our children as “our children”, innocent and they should be left that way. So lets not teach them wrong, instead let us each and everyone, just enjoy our children and treat them as our young that we love and enjoy being with.

If there is a problem with your children, then maybe (most likely) that problem is honestly us, the adult, who should know better, but who is accidentally mistreating his or her child and the child is doing what you would do in his or her position (and what you probably did as a child) of being mistreated.

Try looking at yourself (honestly) with careful observation, but first do look at your parents behaviour towards you and then see if you can find what it is that you need to change in yourself first before you decide to change your child. But while you do this, be honest with your child (children) and explain to them what is that you are trying to learn and achieve. Honesty is a good start to get to the problem, it also teaches your children that you are really trying to help them by honestly trying to find (and admit) what it is that you are doing wrong. With this knowledge they should even try consciously to help you to achieve your goal – although if your children are feeling negative they may not be very forthcoming where help is concerned.”

It may hurt you and bring you some mental pain and even shame to come to think that you may actually be part or all of the problem to your children’s bad behaviour.

Sometimes to fix things we need to shake ourselves up and dig in deep into our hearts and souls to find the problem. We must realise that we are not at fault for inadvertently copying our parents bad behaviour or bad teaching habits (as they probably learnt from their parents and so on), we as adults now are in a trap, a cycle, the key to get you out of this trap that is causing so much pain to the children and did cause you so much pain when you were a child is to make the decision that you are willing to step forward and take the situation by the horns and win the occasion if not for your own sanity but for the great love that your child have for you and the great love that they so very much need from you and that love that you can give them in the future now that you know that something is so wrong.

It is like a sum. Abuse on a child will create a response which will most likely be very negative.

Are you spending lots of good time with your child? Remember that a child can misbehave because the child is trying to get your attention.

All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
‎Tuesday, ‎30 ‎January ‎2007, ‏‎8:52:48 PM.