Parenting & Children Notes.

Who is Leading Your Children?

Who Do You Think is Leading Your Children?

I speak of the word children here in the widest sense. I mean teenagers as well as those under thirteen. If a leader ruled your country and (we assume that it is a she in this case) she made many tactical errors, made many mistakes which had dramatic and devastating results, would you vote this person back into power for a second term even after she failed in the manner that she did?

Of course not. If you are a parent who doesn’t lead with common sense, fairness and love then your children will wish that they had somebody else as their parent. They will feel that you have let them down, they will feel that you have failed them in many ways and on many occasions. Respect is a hard thing to earn, but it must be earned with honesty and truth. Many parents fail to understand this, even though they themselves complain of their bosses, parents or the rulers of the country’s for the very same reasons.

As a parent it is you who is supposed (with your husband or wife) to lead your children to the future. And you are to be a good example as to how they can lead their own children to the future. You need to see yourself as a leader in this respect. You are to pass your “wise” knowledge on to your children. You are to feed their little minds with the truth. You must teach them of honesty, truth and justice. You must be an example with kindness, love and caring as your tools (along with many others).

You have an incredible power in your hands when you are the parent of children. You can mold that child into a loving, caring human being. But you can only do this if the child will listen to you. If you are an unworthy leader then it is time to change your ways so that you children will learn to listen to you in heart and soul.

If you want your children to believe you and be well “fed mentally” then do not let your television programs and movies feed your children’s young minds. The same goes for their friends and other people.

Children grow up using the experiences that they have during their childhoods but if they are brought up by the television and electronic games then those are the experiences that will teach the children along with caregivers – other people etc.

All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
Sunday, ‎12 ‎November ‎2006, ‏‎11:26:00 PM.