These pages were written around a decade ago, so some of my opinions and experience (wisdom) may have changed since then. I am adding them here in the raw, for you to look through and hopefully you will get some ideas to help you in your wonderful journey with your own children. Many of these articles were never finished (I probably moved onto something else hoping to get back to this in the future). Spo please be aware that these are unfinished works, at present.
Bad Entertainment.
Be Calm with Badly Behaving Children.
Be With Your Children.
Child/Parent Relationships.
Child’s Imprint.
Children’s Choices.
Competition Pressure – Schools and so on.
Create An Even Balance With Discipline.
Discipline Changes.
Do as You Tell Your Children to do.
Does A Child Really Need A Deep Social Circle.
Each Child.
Fathers, Mother And Sons And Daughters.
Favourites (child).
Forcing to Socialize.
Fun and Games.
General Child Teaching Thoughts.
Give the Child a Chance to Save Face.
Giving Time.
Guidance and Growing Up Healthy Mentally.
Guilt Free Lives.
It Isn’t Fair.
Just as Parents Do.
Like the Parent Died.
Parenting (Being A Father).
Parents Can Interfere.
Parents Strength.
Punishment of Children.
Putting Themselves First.
Peaceful Sleep & The Bedroom.
Result & Possible Misunderstandings of Changing our ways.
Seeing Negative Imaging.
Some Reasons Why They Misbehave.
Teaching and Not Scolding.
Teach the Child to be Silent from the Start.
Teaching New Habits and Chores.
The Feelings of a Child.
To Be Trusted.
Trust Your Children/Child.
Quickly Getting A Parents Attention.
Violent and Emotional Problems.
Well Structured Games of Meaning, Wisdom & Experience.
What is your Family Doing?
Who is Leading Your Children?
– Home –
Character. Character Assassination. Children. Computing. Crosswords. Driving. Education. Electronics. Garden/Yard. Good Man Images. Fitness/Health. Homeschooling. House Ideas. How To. Interesting & Helpful Videos. iPad. Jokes. Kitchen/Cooking. Love, Courting and Marriage. Mechanics/Machines. Motivation/Advice. Movies. Music. Narcissism, Abusers & Covert Manipulators. NZ. OOS/RSI. Parenting Idea’s, Tips, Thoughts etc. People. Personal Care. Parenting & Children – Notes. Photography. Plumbing. Poetry. Product Reviews. Projects. Proverbs. Religion. Reviews.
Sewing. Skills/Hobbies. Slang. Stories & Books. Tips.
Tools. Toxic Parenting. Whats It Mean? Women. Words. Woodwork. Woodwork Basic Lessons.
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