Peer Pressure Advice.

There is one pressure that more intense and devastating than any other pressure that exists and that is “Peer Pressure.”
Peer pressure destroys lives, leads people to disease, accidents, and much more. A cigarette tastes foul but peer pressure is enough to overcome common sense and the taste – the desperate want to be accepted draws people to it until they are addicted, same with marijuana, then other things that are not natural for us to use or abuse.
People say. “Why did that fool drink and drive!” Maybe it was because he wanted to be accepted, part of the crowd or even appear tougher and meaner than any of his mates. He wanted to show the world that nothing, not even the Police were going to stop him – until he was caught. This happens somewhere around the world every day. I remember teenagers who I knew saying that only losers used seat belts – I wonder how many died or where crippled because they wouldn’t use a seat belt and how many people they convinced not to wear a seat belt. Peer pressure is scary, and very, very powerful.
I read a very sad story of people hanging around at school grounds at lunchtimes and selling drugs for a very cheap price to get the young teenagers addicted. Once they were addicted their futures were ruined. Now maybe they wanted to say “No!” but their mates would taunt them and said something like, “Whats the matter mate, chicken, aye bro?” And then one is staring down the double-barrel of their best mates meanest weapon called peer-pressure and they are all watching and waiting to see if ‘you were gonna join the bro’s” or be chicken and be shamed by those you had spent lots of time trying to impress.
Its a pretty harsh deal is peer pressure. It sinks many souls into depression, misery, low self confidence. And causes us to do so many crazy things that normally we wouldn’t even consider.
How do we get this weak? How could God’s babies become so weak that as teenagers and adults they weaken to such killers of lives and self-esteem?
Peer pressure teaches us to be gullible because we choose through pressure to accept what we normally wouldn’t accept and what we know in our heart is wrong. Peer pressure is the pressure to be wanted, to be accepted. Some people will go to new lows to just be accepted and will bring themself to shame because they feel that they have nothing to offer the world. Anything to become wanted, anything to be needed. Some children growing up in homes where there is no love are desperately searching for love by doing anything acceptable to try to fill the hole in their desperate heart, the holes that was supposed to have family love in it.
To God we are all wanted, all needed and if we look deep enough and have patience with God we will find that special gift that God has for us to shine while helping others. God’s ways are good, and God’s children want to follow God willingly with love flowing in their hearts for the world.
All the best from James M Sandbrook

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