People may know my name, but not my true story.

People may know my name, but not my true story.
People have heard things about me, some truth, some lies.
Coming into my story while it is still being lived does not make people an expert on my life or give them any clue about who I really am and what I am really about.
What is commonly known about me publicly is some fact, gossip, some fiction, and not the whole story.
Only I can fill in the part of my life that tells the truth as it really was and is, only I felt the struggles, tears, pain, abuse, stress, anxiety and even shame – an onlooker cannot see or feel that, so they don’t know.
When you hear a story about someone else, get the facts.
Chances are that when you do you will not judge that soul so hard, you will instead be able to relate to how their life was and how you too have dealt with such situations and been through such struggles, tears, pain, abuse, stress, anxiety and even shame, and only then will you know their true story you will also have felt it too.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.

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