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My Tape Cassette Deck died on me just as I was about to tape a collection of my Cassettes to mp3 format. I had to throw that cassette deck away as it was broken beyond repair. I have a lot of cassettes and lots of songs and other material on them, what to do? Some information is important to me.
In one case is a long recorded phone call between my ex-wife and a Australasian company that was used in a major court case to take said company to court for unfair unethical behaviour and targeting low income families and single parents for sales, and in many cases making the single parents feel guilty if they did not take out a loan to buy the products.
What I did was wire the phone for recording and we wrote out a list of loaded questions designed to get the company representative to talk and my wife acted simple-minded and an easy-target of which they jumped at the chance to rip-her-off.
We got names, and other information that was used in court. It was a great success and we were in constant contact with the Commerce Commission over this.
Our recording went one one entire side of a cassette and was used in the court case by the Commerce Commission in Auckland helping to defeat the company and help the low income families get their money back.
I decided to buy the Tape to MP3 Converter and USB Cassette Player to convert all such files, and since I was converting the files from analog to mp3 then I would not need a Tape Cassette Player anymore.
But having received and used the Tape to MP3 Converter and USB Cassette Player, I have discovered that the sound quality is not great, and the converting is not of a decent and high quality.
This little player just does not meet the grade of my requirements.
I looked on YouTube and other reviewers said that these Tape to MP3 Converter and USB Cassette Player’s are all good for voice taping but not for quality music files.
In the end I have not used this and went ahead and bought another Stereo Cassette Deck which I will plug into my computer and directly record that way.
My recommendation for these Tape to MP3 Converter and USB Cassette Player’s is that they are for low quality recordings and should only be used for converting low quality sound files or even old cassette gaming and data files.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
28th of October, 2021.
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