How to have Self Control when Threatened.

We live in material times where brute force is sometimes seen as a form of power or of control when n reality it is a true sign of lack of control in the person, not control.

This does not mean that when attacked you can’t use brute force to defend yourself and others, what it means is that force should never be a first reaction to an attack verbally from unruly disrespectful or threatening people/person.

The mature person learns the art of being very angry, so much so that you want to smack the other person in the face, but you don’t because you have control of your mind, feeling, emotions and body.

The fool is the one with the threats and the big mouth who is arrogantly facing you and has assumed that they are the superior being and therefore have the right to yell at you abusively or with threats. Take long slow breaths, in your nose, out your mouth, and stay calm as you watch the other person by looking in thier eyes and using all your instincts and vision to keep a close eye on them.

The thing that I do is stand and let the other person mouth of.
For two reasons I do this.One is because they burn of a lot of negative or hateful energy in their outburst and threats and look a fool while doing it, so we should never discourage them, just let the big mouth mouth-off.
The other reason is to let them know 100% nothing about what you think of this outburst of the threats and therefore you are giving nothing away about how you are going to react.I was talking to a friend the other night on the phone about this sort of thing and I said to her (she is into fitness and martial arts/self defence) that once someone attacks we go into defence mode and years of training just snaps into action and we do what we have to do to come off the winner, and she agreed.

Another thing is that by “letting the persons yelling and threats go over our head” is that we are not taking what they are saying personally and therefore we are assessing the situation, watching the other persons every move, and considering our options.

The whole time the foolish person with the big ego is thinking that because we have not reacted that we are scared when that is so far from the truth.

As we are taught, “Never make the first physical move”. But be ready for it.

Watch, wait, and even after they mouth off just walk away.
You lose nothing by walking away and they look truly stupid having the fit and you not backing down and not running away.

And because they didn’t do anything that person will forever wonder what would have happened if they had stepped in and attacked, but they will always know that you silently just stood your ground, you didn’t replay, didn’t act foolishly, and gave them every chance to back up the big talk that they are mouthing off, and as I have found out 99% of them never back u what they say, because they are as cheap as the words they speak.

The mature thing to do is to do nothing and let them rant on, and doing this and not being affected by their rant is true self control. Even if you do get very angry calmness is still doing nothing, just let them rant as this decelerates the situation, and when the other person is finished wait for them to walk away, and believe me most will, and also while they ranted most will keep a safe distance from you just in case you might thump them.

And when you publicly exercise or do your reps and routines don’t let on all that you know, even to friends. When you learn some new moves keep them to yourself, and then if you have to sue them you will give them something that they were not prepared for and really give them something to think about for a long long time.

Stay cool while the big mouth looks the fool.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
21st of May, 2021.