A Great First Project - a Pocket.

One of the first things I did with my  sewing machine when it was new was to put a useful simple pocket in the inside of my Security Hi-Vis vest to hold the work cell phone.

A pocket is a very simple idea and yet so incredibly useful and easy to make and sew.

All a pocket can be is a piece of material cut to the size you want that probably matches the material you are sewing the Pocket to and sewing it on, and it being able to hold things for you so that your hands are free to carry other things or to put into other pockets to keep your hands warm or rested.

As time goes by you become good are measuring and cutting material, the more you do this the better you will get at it.

Image 1 - the first stages of a pocket creation.

If we look to Image 1 we can see on the Left a shape of a pocket – cut to suit a need that you have for a pocket on some clothing that you have. We should fold over the top of the material to obtain a smooth top to the pocket so that it won’t fray (be worn at the edge) as we add items to the pocket and take them out.

Once this is folded over and carefully ironed flat with our house iron we can then hand sew or use the sewing machine to sew this new edge down so that it won’t come up.

Image 2 - The finishing touches.

Now to make the pocket neat and tidy we fold and iron the other three sides, and then we sew them, making all the sides neat and tidy for sewing onto the material (Shirt, dress, etc).

Once the pocket is made it can be sewed by hand or machine where you want it.

What can be done is that the sides and bottom can be sewed together while the pocket is being sewed on to the material (shirt or whatever). If you wanted say about 4 pockets on one shirt, two at the top and two at the bottom, on the front, you can pre-make all the pockets and then simply sew them all on at once.

The next step for the beginner is sewing a top-flap to the pocket, or using a button at the top to keep it partially closed to hold something in the pocket, or add a zipper, or to put a pocket in a hidden place on your clothing where you can put things that other people can find.

Now a sewing expert may shudder at some of my sewing idea’s, but all I have learned about sewing was trial and error, no-one taught me, so here and there I have picked up my own methods. I had to find out the hard way but that is all good to me because what I do is working and that is all that really counts, but it is always good to learn of short cuts to help us work more efficiently and get professional sturdy results.

Now the next thing to do is to go around looking at people’s pockets, on their shirts, tops, dresses and so on. Look at the styles creatively, what you would like to copy on your own clothing, get creative with the ideas you see all around you everyday.

There is so much happiness and fun for you to have, its all out there passing you each and everyday at work, in your home, in the streets, look, learn, and do it yourself. Pockets can be a whole lot of fun and it is very satisfying creating a pocket and then using it, especially if it has a special reason for existing.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.

5th of April, 2021.