Sometimes we go for a goal, and do all that we want to achieve it and then find out it wasn’t what we really wanted. Maybe the goal was other peoples ideas of what is good for us but not what our heart wants and needs to survive.
When we aim for something it is wise to always review what we want, and do this often. Our views of life and what is right and wrong change too, so do be willing to be open minded about the future. Remember its about you and God.
God may guide us but if we listen to other sources then we can spend years going around in circles while God waits for us to get our life sorted out and have enough courage to believe in ourself, believe in God, and do what God has intended for us to do all along.
Sometimes it takes us all a while to learn, grow and gain wisdom. we should never ignore it when God leads us. Once we know, we should have a go!
All the best from James M Sandbrook.