Because the Atheist does not know the feelings of love or how it controls a person they assume that love is sex, because what draws the Atheist to someone is the sexual attraction.
We all assume that what we feel and experience is the real deal, the real thing, and Atheists feel that their sexual cravings or what they see as eye-candy, is the real deal, love.
In the case of Clair, she fell in love with an older man, and to get her to look at another man the Atheists believe that Clair is sexually attracted to the man she loves, so to them and their limited thinking they just need to supply another male body for Clair to love, have sex with and satisfy her. What they don’t realise is because they denied her access and satisfaction in her heart and body with the man she loves, they have caused her to have sexual issues by denying her true love int he first place.
They keep telling Clair and others that the fault is that Clair has issues when in reality they created Clair’s issues by denying Clair the love that she so long longed for.
Once Clair found love 12 years ago her family took it off her by telling her that she was not allowed near him. Bravely Clair tried to comply but ended up in a mental asylum.
Over and over again the narcissist manipulators have got Clair involved with men of her own age group, and this has failed consistently along with her marriage/s.
In a new move they got her into a relationship with a man around twice her age in an attempt to make her associate this new relationship man with the one she fell in love with.
The Atheists assume that Clair has a fetish for older men, so this is their new attempt to control her.
But this man is a criminal as well (unknown to her), he will abuse her and her children, and she will be so Gaslighted she will approve of it all, thus she is not threat to her parents or the criminal group.
One day, the man Clair that does love went past her and this older man while cycling around the lake, and Clair instinctively turned with love and a huge smile and joy on her face when she realized who it was on the bicycle.
The older man who is controlling her and telling her what to think panicked and told her to not look at the man who she loves, with the taunt that the man she loves is evil and so forth.
Obediently anxious to please Clair turned away the next time her love went past, but obviously with a struggle, because she did not want to look away, after all she is in love.
The older narcissist man knows her reputation as a lesbian, as a Hottie, and she was known to be very satisfying to all the females she slept with. The criminal group has promised him, along with money and so forth, that he will have a very active hot satisfying sex life with Clair, to the extent in time he can let go and be violent and satisfy his fantasies and fetishes such as whips and gear, and such because he is training her to hate the man she loves and to accept a man who is going to abuse her and her children, a cold man convincing her that love is evil and that apathy is love.
The manipulation of Clair is from old family friends such as the woman Alison, Clair’s parents and sisters, other friends of the mother that Clair as a young teenager slept with, the Therapist who is Clair’s Minder, and each and every male that Clair is being set up with to marry, along with all the obedient Flying Monkeys under the parents and criminal groups control.
Knowing that so many people are involved and many like the Flying Monkeys genuinely want Clair to be happy, it is easy to see how and why Clair is so positively responsive to her captors and willing to submit to their will. On top of that Clair just wants to be normal, to be loved and to give her mind, body and soul over to a good godly man and to have a strong decent life, a man who Clair can genuinely trust.
Clair’s mind is broken, and has been broken all her life, starting a Feminist mother, years of being sexually abused by her mother, her family, also her mothers friends and the pedophile group, and now as a broken weak minded, struggling to cope soul, Clair will take up her marriage mentally weak, unable to cope, and an easy victim for years of mental and violent abuse, and because of her anxieties born from her parent abuse she won’t fight back, even to protect her own children.
In shame Clair won’t tell the Flying Monkeys, and will suffer to the narcissist husbands joy silently, giving him years of sexual satisfaction trying out his whims and experiences on such a willing weak female, and Clair will probably think that this relationship is normal.
We need to realize, that in Clair’s home as a child the family practices incest and they kept it hid from the neighbours, their friends, and from people in their workplace, even the Police see them as worthy people.
The man who successfully seduces Clair to marry and sleep with him will do the same as Clair’s parents did to keep up appearances and make it look like they have a good wholesome decent family.
While he sexually abuses Clair and the children, Clair will act as if nothing is wrong much the same as many women do when their husbands are abusive, violent and so forth, and because he has Clair unfailing backup and support the neighbours, friends and so on will not suspect that they are friends with pedophiles, because in the end he will convince Clair to seduce her own childrne as her mother seduced her.
As with Clair’s parents, if someone like me comes along and finds out the family dark secrets, the community will back up and support the Pedophiles and not the person trying to warn everyone that they need to protect their children from the seducing minds of the Pedophiles – you see, if the Pedophiles can seduce the parents (Flying Monkeys) to rally alongside the Pedophiles as Flying Monkeys to help and protect the Pedophiles and attack the person who knows their dark secrets, imagine what they can do when they try to seduce the Flying Monkeys innocent children.
If Clair were to read all of this, realise what they are doing to her, take it up with her parents, they would just do another Mind Reset on her and Clair will go through the entire experience from ground up all over again and be matched with yet another narcissist manipulator to control her life,.
Her weakness is her blind loyalty to her controllers (Results of the parents using Stockholm Syndrome techniques on Clair), who she believes that she must argue with, and as soon as they see from their arguments with her that she is figuring out what they are doing to her, they just drug her up all over again, and it all repeats again, possibly with a new manipulator Therapist with no scruples.
The discussions and arguments with Clair are the warnings that the narcissists need to reset her mind. In other words, Clair is her own worst enemy.
All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
30th of December, 2021.
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