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In the Jason Bourne series of movies/series there are people trained to be killers and then put out as “sleepers”.
Sleepers are people who go out into the world as normal people and then one day are woken up by a keyword or such and return to their original, role having been awakened. While they are “asleep” to their task they have no idea that their task exists until they are woken up.
Traumatic Mentally Blacked Out abuse/experiences or abuses in childhood can be forgotten.
It has been said that we “black-out” parts of our past that are too much to deal with at the time, so we don’t go insane.
New modern fake therapy has been created where the patients real past is glossed over so that they don’t have to deal with the truth and why they, today, have mental issues.
You see, everything has a reason for existing. The table exists because someone needed it, so the table was build for a reason.
Abuse or bad events are the reasons why we struggle later on in life. A person who wants to die by suicide is not insane, but more a person who was abused or went through their own personal hell and came out of it struggling to cope as others do, and from then on are labelled, and this person continues to struggle to cope.
Motivation rises the persons confidence for a short time only for the patient to return and collapse from time to time because the original events/abuse/issues were not properly dealt with by revisiting them and the abused re-experiencing them and getting over them until they are nothing but a memory/past lesson.
We basically become who we were brought up to be with some individual traits in our character that make us different.
A child in a gang home tends to be a supporter of gang behaviour. A child in a rich home tends to be a supporter of Capitalism. A child in a feminist home tends to be feminist, as is the sons bought up in homes where the father is a chauvinist etc.
When events/experiences/abuses are blocked out of our conscious memory they still tend to make up our character.
Like the sleepers mentioned above the person can become awakened to what happened to he or she as a child, and do the same abuse themselves to others, because the event/abuse etc is a part of their character that has not become obvious yet.
You cannot heal what you refuse to face, and even though refusing to face the truth is comfortable, it is the cheap and easy way out that your children will pay for in the future.
This is why it is common for a child who is emotionally, physically, sexually abused can grow up to be an abuser, the abuse was part of their Growth Life Lessons in their mind, life, experiences.
Males can find that they sexually desire anal sex but know not why, females the same, and the reason can be that as a child they were raped or regularly abused as a child and the mind blocked it out because it was a horrible uncomfortable event/s, but now as an adult they are sexually excited in that (without knowing why) way because anal sex up to adulthood was all that they had felt, known and experienced sexually.
When a parent sexually abuses their child, it is a form of parental-sex education.
It is toxic yes, but we know deep inside that our parents are supposed to guide us in this area and help us learn, so any parent who sexually abuses you plants the seed inside your soul that this abuse is normal, acceptable, and what you should do as an adult (because the sexual education, toxic or not, came from the child’s parent/s), and the child may or may not consciously accept this toxic sexual education, but the subconscious-mind believes that it is normal.
A person cannot help falling into the role who he or she was taught as a child from experience, even if the person does not remember the experience, they still live it out later on in life because the experience still is within their Soul.
Many people can commit suicide as adults because the general public, laws, health systems etc can’t help them.
The abuse victims know, as adults, that what they are doing is wrong, but they cannot help themselves from doing it and that is because the past was never dealt with.
If they face the past, get it out in the open, release the dark energy within that is a result of the dark experiences of childhood then they lose all interest in it when the mind faces what happened and how wrong it is and what was done to them was not their own fault.
Mental and emotional healing is a hard process, but on can be healed in no other way.
Just like the wound in the skin, healing takes time, must be don’t in a healthy environment, with the right vitamins the healing is sped up, and it hurts until the wound is healed.
Just like children in childcare the mentally suffering people have become commodities, items to create jobs and to profit on in taxes and wages. The longer and earlier the child is in childcare the more money can be made, that is why they want children in childcare as young a possible, and the longer a person is mentally ill the longer he or she is a way of making money because these people are suffering.
So if a person is not cured and keeps coming back with depression, anxiety, bipolar, all those labels then they are money makers for chemistry, government, workers, mental health industry, pharmaceutical industry etc.
They don’t want you cured, they could possibly feel emotionally that they want you cured consciously, but subconsciously they remind themselves that you pay for their living, so the longer you are with the health “professional” the more they can profit from your suffering.
The only way that the abused can stop is by facing it in a healthy, loving trusting environment, and when an abused person is cured then all mental health issues disappear.
You want to be free from the suffering you have to have the courage to face the past, the emotional and physical hurt and start life again healed
Child Abuse Sleepers.
The result of millions to billions of children being subjected to emotional, sexual and physical abuse while growing up is creating billions of Child Abuse Sleepers. This is how I think places like Pompeii came to accept pedophilia.
Young people who were abused when young who just want to get on with their lives as teenagers, then as they enter their adult years have depression, anxiety, emotional imbalance, and various forms of mental illness.
The mental illness, depression, anxieties etc are results of being abused as children.
The reason why the are suffering in their minds is because they were abused as children, filled with academic teaching, and reared with apathy and a weak version of love from parents who were working, broken homes, domestic violence drug and alcohol addicted parents, etc, etc.
Dysfunction creates Dysfunction.
Dysfunction and toxic cannot heal what it has broken, it just limits the suffering before the wound is reopened somehow and the suffering returns.
As sleepers, they become parents and have their own children. They really want to do the right thing, but limited in the knowledge of love because they never really experienced love, and limited in Life Experience and Life Education, yet full of academic teaching and education they really have no idea what they are doing, and often young parents are these days only too pleased to get that crying child off to childcare and get back to work, repeating their own apathetic upbringing and bringing up dysfunctional children themselves to suffer the same fate as them.
One day, frustrated at their own life, mental suffering, depression etc they lash out verbally at their own child, therefore repeating how their emotionally abusive parents treated them, and the suffering is now in the process of being passed down from parents to children, poisoning the next generation.
The parents cannot understand why the children are not grateful that they have so much from the working sacrifice of the parents, and the children wonder why mother and father don’t love them in their home.
But for some it is different. The mother is dressing her 9 year old daughter after she has had a bath and she feels an unhealthy attraction to her daughter, but she cannot resist, and from here she continues the sex abuse that came from her own mother to her own daughters, and the sex abuse and incest continues, “their little secret.”
“Sleepers” – people who were abused as children in some way who put the abuse behind them or it was blacked-out of their conscious memory and then somehow reawakened as parents only to continue the abuse.
If they go to therapy the abuse is covered over and the madness within stays put and the suffering continues.
If the child was brought up in a stable home, sexually abused by an uncle or aunt, but had kind loving mature parents to help them get over the abuse the child would become a strong mature stable result.
But today, the children are brought up by the state in schools, and they are taught academic education and apathy side by side.
Apathy makes us uncaring and mentally weak, therefore not strong enough to deal with being abused a a child.
Children today are weakened mentally by parents who are not there for them leaving the child to face the world in survival mode and then to grow up very fast as he or she is given academic teaching from a very young age.
Childhood is not naturally relaxing these days. The innocent gentle child mind is forced to perform, to behave, to fit in and to obey rules of a self-appointed authority, s position the children have no say in, the stress from modern learning is soul destroying and the suicide rates of the young adults and teenagers is proof of this.
The child is encouraged and rewarded if he or she performs to the standards set before them, and those who don’t perform are punished, this often sets the groundwork for the conformers and the criminals.
School Education is not wisdom, today the children grow up with a head full of much school knowledge that he or she will never use, and little else, while lacking the Wisdom of Experiences that come from real life that children had 100’s of years ago.
Parents cannot help their own children while the child is at school and the parent at work, or stoned, drunk, or just mentally absent to the child.
They turn to drug abuse, alcohol abuse, anything to help them escape the madness within and to help them to escape the world within they suffer from daily.
Can I prove what I am writing, about the world, education, sleepers and immature adults?
Look at the politicians with all their education, titles and money and how they fight and bicker like children. Look at the climbing rise in road rage, domestic violence, drug abuse, people on pharmaceutical drugs and so on.
Look at what is happening in the USA over the Trump impeachment, the fighting, “childish behaviour” and how they cannot sort anything out in a mature calm way that works for everyone.
The state of the world and the mental state of the human beings in the world is very bad, but what is worse is that very few people actually see this or understand this, and even fewer have enough want to make an effort to change it all – and what is even worse, is that when good people try to change the world in to a better more healthier place, the masses lacking wisdom turn on them and complain, because they are so used to the old ways of conformity and of having no wisdom of their own.
I once went into our library on a holiday and there was a bunch of children, little children, and one of the adults in charge of them mentioned bottoms, and the children roared with laughter, and now look at how gross, immoral, indecent, humour is received in the minds of adults today, especially toilet humour and the like, like little children the adults love it.
Children in the past, yes children, had BB guns, slug guns, and they were safe with them, that’s how mature the children were in the past, but today adults have to have labels put on their coffee cups telling them that the coffee is hot and if they spill it the coffee will burn them.
Road rage – tantrums, just like a child.
The mental health system, government and the most educated souls alive cannot save you from this madness, because they are also immature, irrational, dysfunctional and suffering from their own mental inabilities to function in a clear thinking rational way.
Immature adults don’t have a conscience,
they simply react in an irrational way,
they respond with emotional turmoil,
they hurt others when they are hurt,
they punish without changing a person,
they don’t want to understand the others they just want to punish an eye for an eye,
they want revenge and feel joy when they get it,
they want to hate what they dislike,
they don’t seek answers, they seek to destroy what they don’t understand or what they don’t like and like little children fighting over toys they take, and take, and even at the destruction of others, animals and the environment they keep on taking, because they are big children with lots of money to throw around controlling others, reeking destruction in gleeful selfishness.
Adulthood and parenting today is adults punishing their own children and bringing them up as they were brought up, and continuing the cycling of human and planet destruction, and they are so immature they have no idea that they are even doing all of this, instead they go to war in courts defending their rights to destroy, kill and take, and the call this progress. They even go to court for the right to kill the child within their own wombs.
This is why it is mentioned in the Bible:
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Childish people think that it means to put away the innocence, loving, simple fun ways of childhood to become smart, logical, stern adults, they couldn’t be more further from the truth.
We are to put away our “Childish thinking, the immature ways of childhood”
but we are to keep our innocence, loving, sympathetic, honest, gentle, kind ways.
Childish thinking is bickering like fools over power, money and personal gain.
Childish thinking is an eye for an eye, revenge, hate, spite, bullying behaviour.
Look around you, the adults are like this everywhere.
They are so childish that they adore money, material things, power, and they ignore the poor, the needy, the suffering, they think that being an adults is being Feminist, Chauvinist, or some weird political cause like Communism that hurts its own people more than helps them.
The whole, “My sports team is better than yours!” is just a adult version of “My dad is better than yours”.
All competition are heavily supported and backed up by governments because of the huge revenue gained from mass childish adoration of sports stars etc.
People cheering after “their team” won and saying, “We won, we won!” is childish because the public didn’t even play.
The punk and many other very weird music fads, all childish, piercing’s, and grunge etc.
Think about it, piercing yourself, tattoos, they are not normal rational things to do, but to adult children claiming that these things and the maiming and permanent marking of the skin are “rights”.
Childish thinking is foolish, irrational, thinking, yet to the child this form of thinking and all its foolishness is normal and obviously logical and the right thing to do, same for the adult who is immature, a result of an immature, irrational, toxic and dysfunctional society/world.
The masses texting and driving, the masses of drinking and driving, parties, domestic violence, all childish thinking that the government and mental health system have completely no idea how to deal with them.
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