To keep a victim under control the manipulators cause the victim to become fearful of something imaginary.
As long as the fear is imaginary then the narcissist manipulators can control the fear, they can increase the fears when they desire to do so to contain control and scare the victim into submission and obedience.
When the victim is behaving as the manipulators wish they can reduce the fears.
If the victim decides to face their fears, the imaginary fears are hurriedly increased in the mind of the anxious victim in some way to keep the victim away from what would expose the narcissist manipulators as fakes and liars, and also narcissist manipulators who practice Dark Psychology and Dark Narcissism.
Fear is the key controlling method used by people who use Dark Manipulation.
One way to install and keep fear powerful in the victims mind is to cast many actors and actresses’s who are all part of the scam or are Flying Monkeys completely convinced that they are doing a good thing.
For this example we will assume that a female has been taught to fear a person. Fake images, photos, stories, fake video’s are all brought in to create the fear.
But as time goes by the victims mind naturally becomes skeptical and is not so easily receptive to what they have seen or been told because the mind is working on ho thing don’t fit,. don’t make sense, and don’t fit the pattern they have been told it does.
Group Therapy of the Dark Kind is brought in to keep the fear up.
Like with Isolation, the victim only believe what they are told by those around then while they are being isolated by the larger world.
A person cannot gain true knowledge, experiences, or wisdom while isolated from the world.
But while isolated the person gets a fake story of what is going on and other people are brought in to repeat the lies and fake thus making the lies and fake seem truth and solid evidence to the truth-starved-victim.
If the victim is in a group of people, all working for the narcissist manipulators, the group can surround, fake protection, fake love, fake care, fake being a hero while shuttling the victim from place to place while she is terrified of the man she has been “taught to fear’ yet in real life has no desire whatsoever to do her any harm.
Because they are the only comfort, encouragement, and contact with what the victim thinks is truth and reality the victim falls for everything that the victim is told.
When the victim see’s the good man she immediately goes into anxiety and worry because he is near, her “friends” gather around her and tell her to trust them and that she is safe with them.
When they want to take her from the house and get her to participate in something bad they use her fear of the man to make her want to sneak out to a car, zoom down the street, and make a getaway (from nothing).
All the while the victim, being tricked into a new narcissist relationship is groomed into thinking that she is safe, protected and will end up in a loving decent relationship.
And even though all her relationships under her “friends” and Minders guidance have been toxic, immoral, indecent and dysfunctional, due o her imaginary fear of someone she is not thinking clearly with wisdom, but instead is running in survival mode willing to go with her captors because she believes that they honourable have her back.
When the mind is kept in Survival Mode those faking protection and love who are narcissist manipulators can keep the victims mind focused on imaginary fears and do as they tell her to.
The narcissist manipulators keep control and the victim remains victim being prepared for a toxic marriage, one again.
Because the mind learns from the past, the induced fears cause the victims to push aside any common sense and logic and prefers to scatter all thoughts that expose the narcissist manipulators in favour of their fake love and fake support, and therefore the victim is ripe and ready for a new bout of abuse.
All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
14th of February, 2022.
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