The narcissist mentality is a mental sickness, which can be extremely harsh or very gentle.
The harsh narcissist mental state is well known with so many people being burned by such people, but the more gentle acting is a way to convince the victim that he or she is in safe loving hands.
Manipulation is the molding of another person’s mind in such a way that he or she will do as you want them to do, even if it is heavily destructive to the victims happiness and life.
Knowing that when a person is in Survival Mode and Feels like a Victim the person can be manipulated to doing activities and thinking in ways that they never would have agreed to when he or she was not a victim.
The narcissist manipulator wants the person who they control to be their victim, but they don’t want the victim to feel like he or she is a victim, and they want the victim to actively, happily and agreeably do as the narcissist manipulator/s tell the victim to do.
This is done by making the victim a victim when they are Not a Victim, yet are Still a Victim.
The narcissist manipulators convince the victim that (we will call her a she for simplicity sake) she is a victim and is threatened from elsewhere. In doing so the victim’s mind is on a constant lookout and is alert, anxious and living in fear from an imaginary foe.
The idea is to keep the victims mind constantly busy and always assuming that she is being stalked, hunted down, or is afraid to leave the home other than with her captors who have, in her mind, been transferred from being her captors to being her hero’s taking her from place to pace manipulating her mind and controlling her life “with imaginary fears”.
As long as the victim is constantly seeing fear where it does not exist then the victim is not clearly-understanding the full repercussions of the activities and manipulations that she is being asked (pushed) into doing.
A confident capable female would say no, or think about the suggestions, or make other choices.
A immature, fearful, gullible person will do as is suggested because she feels that those who made the suggestions have her best interests at heart and will neve do he wrong. She accepts their advice fully, often without argument or question, and hope that by complying to their will she will finally be free of her foe (her own imagination in reality).
The victims inability to function without her “heroes” ensures full control for the narcissist manipulators and they can lead their captive on a direction that suits them, in other words what works out for them not her.
Previously in the Criminal Pages on this site I mentioned this sort of thing.
If the Therapists are of the Dark Psychology types then the desire to control is what they are being paid by criminal groups to do to control wayward members who have found God or have become honest all of a sudden, thus becoming a threat to the criminal group.
In the case of especially females, the criminal group can manipulate the female into a narcissistic toxic abusive relationship with the full support and backup by the family of the victim (since they too participate in the illegal doings) and the full support of the victim through manipulation.
If the main narcissist manipulator plays the hero, vowing to protect their own victim from the imaginary foe, then the victim and the Flying Monkeys being used to help and support the narcissist manipulators see the narcissist manipulator as a wonderful decent human being who can be 100% trusted and honoured for the love protection and sacrifices that they seem to make in favour of the “victim”.
Thus starts a situation that works very favorable to the narcissist manipulator making them look like really decent people. If they need help to manipulate, isolate, keep the victim watched and so forth the Flying Monkeys are only too happy to do so.
By creating a fake-situation that causes fear in the victims mind then the victim is always looking outside of the home in fear while trusting all that is within the home. So as long as the victims fears and worries about their captors is transferred to another person or source then all the attention, distrust, hate, fears, anxieties and so forth are focused somewhere else thus leaving the narcissist manipulators to freely do as they basically pleas with the very gullible victim, who has no idea that with them she is their victim.
All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
13 February, 2022.
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