The Clair Manipulators, her Controllers, have the task of using Therapy and Psychology and so on to try to find ways for Clair to be pleased that she is being controlled, other people make choices for her, and that the general public see her as normal with some mental issues like anxiety, depression, like many people anyway, so no one see’s her behaviour as weird or suspicious.
As long as Clair is unaware that she is controlled she is set up to live a life supporting, loving, and obeying those who abused her all her life.
As a child, in the case of Clair, she was a lesbian lover for her mother, then her sisters, then he mothers friends and so on. She was known publicly as a “Hottie”, meaning she was ever so eager to pleasure, please and satisfy her mother, sisters and their friends.
Seeing as this was her particular way, yet now as an adult following God they discovered that she does not want to be lesbian anymore, they are making her the same as she was as a lesbian, but as a heterosexual. Meaning that any man who has her in his bed she will work very obediently and will go to great lengths to pleasure and obey him, and with mental manipulation (like with her last relationship which was purely anal) she will assume (because the manipulator told her) that God fully supports her weak minded immoral indecent relationships.
The whole plan is to control how she thinks, and that she thinks that she is happy, that she thinks God is happy with her relationships and sexual behaviour, that she is obedient to her husband to the max, and that she thinks that to rebel is evil and of Satan she will continue to fight any mental thoughts to free her own self and seek protection elsewhere.
As long as Clair thinks that what she is doing is good and godly she is happy. In her anal relationship they convinced her that it was good, that God was with her, and she threw herself full into that with no regrets, worries or cares, but the man she was with was a very nasty man.
Because her parents are criminals fearing jail all of Clair’s and Clair’s sisters are not allowed a honest lover, they must only marry a man who is approved by their criminal group as he will keep them all manipulated and under their wing in case one of them wants to go to the Police. As victims they must be monitored at all times.
The Mind Reset is what I have noticed over the years.
One day Clair is sane, seems confident, and on more than a few occasions cocky and event arrogant.
Then about two months later she is a complete mess, unable to cope, and followed around by her Minder because they don’t trust her on he own in public.
With Gaslighting, drugs, constant bombardment of Love Bombing, a concentrated effort to encourage and give her confidence they start all over again.
Please remember, that the goal is for her to become an obedient slave to her husband, seen publicly as always “having issues”, hey , but who doesn’t, that sort of thing. As long as Clair’s old friends understand, and Clair believes in her captors, then to the outside world all looks normal.
To Clair’s friends, even close one’s, it looks like Clair has mental issues (they have been told this by the criminal parents and Clair’s [paid] Minders), and that every now and then Clair has “relapses”, meaning that she is going along fine, working confidently in bank, and 6 months later she is under constant care with her Minder and mentally unstable all over again.
“The Minder” can look to be a live in Therapist, or just someone the victim flats with, or their partner, of just a well concerned friend, but their real job is to watch the victim all the time to make sure that the victim never gains confidence or the desire to go see the Police.
The reason for the Mind Reset’s is to reset the victims Mind back to Child-Mode, unconfident, Gaslighted, and unable to cope on her own, anxious and depressed.
To friends it just looks like Clair is mentally unbalanced and unable to cope in life.
The friend are Flying Monkeys, puppets for the parents and criminal group to use at their will to keep Clair in their control. The Criminal group know that they can leave Clair with the Flying Monkeys because the Flying Monkeys will be sure to keep Clair in tow, obedient to her parents and doing as she is told. All this is exactly what the criminal group want of the Flying Monkeys, their perfectly behaved criminal backup crew.
Each time Clair gains confidence and argues back with her Minder the Minder waits until it reaches a certain stage and he resets her mind with drugs, hypnotic methods, Gaslighting, and then love bombs her with encouragement, rewards, tells her how pretty and wonderful she is, and he starts manipulating her all over again, for the next man, another member of their criminal group.
To Clair’s friends, what they see is that she is loved by her parents, family friends, and her Minder is a saviour, a godsend, and an unselfish soul who will sacrifice all for Clair to regain her confidence and to have a good decent loving life with a man who will look after her and case for her.
The situation is very much like the movie Love & Mercy where Brian Wilson obeys and follows obediently what his Therapist tells him to do and everyone see’s Eugene Landy as a good decent Therapist helping Brian, when n reality it was the total opposite.
Please remember, what you see in public is what the narcissist wants you to see, who they really are is the person at home behind closed doors.
Basically, every time Clair gets her confidence up and starts to fight for her own rights and even defends the man she is told to fear and hate, she is drugged back into the mental state of obedience, incapable of fighting back, and obedient to their will all over again.
The criminal group cannot let Clair and others like her, get their confidence and courage back, because to do so means prison, shame, and no more freedom and in the case of incurable pedophiles they are forced to not be predators.
Because Clair’s mind is reset with drugs and then she is heavily love bombed, encouraged and overwhelmed with attention she has no idea or memory of being Mentally reset, even to her she thinks that she is “having issue”, after all, her trusted and much adored Therapist told her so along with he parents.
All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
30th of December, 2021.
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