The Entrapment of Survival Mode

Any professional of Human Nature, Abuse and Mind Control knows that Survival Mode is a reaction to a desperate situation where the Mind realizes that Self-Preservation of one’s own life comes first, in order to survive.
Therefore a Mind-Change is brought about subconsciously when the person in fear becomes “agreeable” with the captors/enemies.

In fear of being destroyed the victim becomes agreeable, friendly, and even sides sympathetically with their own captors – this is a subconscious effort to take a careful stand to survive.

But subconsciously there was always an intention to come out of Survival Mode and flee to safer grounds. No one is supposed to stay in Survival Mode because to do so would be to stay in captivity willingly with one’s captors.

Survival Mode

• Life in Autopilot, repeating patterns, Habit reactions.

• Chronic nervous system dysregulation.
Fear based, Defensive, Competitive.

• Unresolved, Generational Trauma, Denial, Secrets.

• Struggles with relationships, fear of abandonment, irrational fears.

• See’s life through others eyes afraid to face the truths that they hide within about themselves and those who they trust.

Healing Journey

• Becoming conscious, Aware of patterns, Able to objectively respond.

• Practices being present, thoughtful, examining thoughts and situations.

• Collaborative, people orientated, seeking, learning, growing.

• Acknowledges and works through trauma. Aware of where they are and the situation they are in.
• Understands the child hurt within. Works to heal the past by facing it and addressing it in truth, faith and understanding of Self and what they have survived.

The example of Stockholm Syndrome through history has the victims siding with their captors against their loved one’s.

Once in Survival Mode they must agree with their captors in order to survive.

This term was first used by the media in 1973 when four hostages were taken during a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden. The hostages defended their captors after being released and would not agree to testify in court against them. – Wikipedia.

In the case of Emotional Abduction the victims captors dislike and fear the people who the victim loves, so the victim must either hate the people who they love and show it in an outward way or at least like and trust their captors more to stay alive and never seek help from the very people/person who an help them.

Remind yourself, that all these decisions are thought and made subconsciously, so much so and to the extent, that the victim can disown or even un-love in an outward appearance the people/person who the victim cares about the most.

Brian Wilson was taught to disown his entire family, so much so that they thought that he cared not for them anymore so they didn’t try to contact Brian anymore, but the reality is was Brian Wilson’s Therapist had set it up so that Brian would be distanced from those who could get Brian out of the Therapists hands.

Patty Hearst was taught that her wealthy family were the enemy by the very people who beat, raped and hurt her. Once in Survival Mode, and in fear for her own safety, she sided with those who were her real enemies and even did robberies with them. It took her many years to recover.

A good example of this is the Jason Bourne movies where Jason is beaten into submission and once in Survival Mode he does things that he naturally would never have done, and he forgets that he was even in fear of his life or beaten and so on. He had to come out of Survival Mode to find his courage and then discover that those who he assumed were his friends, were really his enemies.

Hitler had an entire nation fearing the Allies so much so that they fought and died for a cause that was so evil and unjust, but once the war started the terrified Germans fought for their lives believing the lies of Hitler,  when in reality if they had all as one given up the war would have ended much earlier. Hitler was well known to rule his Generals with fear. If one misbehaved Hitler had him killed as an example to the other generals,  and everyone in his staff was to know about it, so that they would all stand with him no matter what evil Hitler did, in order to survive themselves.

If the person in Survival Mode remains captive, then he or she can remain in Survival Mode if a fear is constantly inflicted on the mind of the victim, thus keeping the victim in a desire to be protected and afraid to come out of it.

Real truth and lies mixed with fake evidence, fake photos and videos and such can keep a person in Survival Mode for a long time, and in their captors slavery perhaps for life.

Like a bird in flight we are supposed to run, but at ,some time that person must stop and think out the situation, and then stand their ground.

The important thing to realize that when person is in Survival Mode the person Tries very hard to fit-in to what they are told to do, even if it makes them sick and makes them do things that they really don’t want to do. What the victim is trying to do is to survive subconsciously, while consciously they are telling themself that they are in good hands, are loved, are being protected, and that they are special because they are being looked after so well.

When a person is captive, the captivity is emotional and does not really exist physically, only mentally.

People in captivity can leave the home that they are captive in and walk the streets for exercise, to go to the shop, to get the groceries with their captor, and all the while this is happening (like Patty Hearst) in Survival Mode the victim could walk away, but is too scared to do so (for whatever imagined reason implanted in the victims mind) and thinking that their captors are their protectors the victims stays close to the very people they are enslaved to.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.

15th of June, 2021.