The hardest battle that takes the most courage for anyone to do is simply to deny oneself the ways of the world

The hardest battle that takes the most courage for anyone to do is simply to deny oneself the ways of the world (society etc) and face who they really are. Its about being strong enough to stand as an individual in a world that demands that we all be a part of the crowd.
All the teachings that God puts us through are to show us that we can stand with deep centered courage and deny the powers of other people over us.
Slavery is when other people make demands of us and through many various means, physical and/or emotional, so that they can control our lives and make us live as they want us to do. Mind manipulators turn people into slaves through various devilish tricks. This is their power, to make people submissive so that the manipulator gets their way.
There always comes a time when we must find the courage to make that break away from such people. And to do so will bring freedom and a new life and happiness that we have never known before. But happiness like this will never come unless we make the big break first.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
9 March 2013.

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