The Hater Guides you to hate their Enemies.

A Hater is a person who hates something.
If we go to a hater for information about what the hater hates then the hater will guide you with the intention of hurting who or what they hate.
The hater has a hidden agenda, and that agenda is all based on his or her hate.
For instance, if you were to help the person who the hater hates, then the hater will obviously do all that he or she can do to persuade, trick, and push you, even with lies and fears, from the person you wish to help or love.

The hater has to hate what they hate because that is what haters do, that is what they are, and that hate is what they intend on achieving, even if it destroys your happiness..
Haters hate for real or imagined reasons, and they stoke up that hate so that it glows with evil in their hearts. They may act like they care for you, they may pretend, lie and say the right things to comfort you., but if they talk about the person who you hold in your heart (so dearly), in a way that brings you away from what you want, then you are facing a hater.

I have seen haters pretend to take someone under their wing to totally destroy them. They become jealous, like a mother or sister spiteful about another sister getting attention from a male that they fancy. To stop the love they rake the coals up of hate for that man in the family to stop the sister/daughter finding happiness. Hate pulls families apart, because some family members hate to see another succeed where they can’t. know one mother who hated to see her daughter succeed so she sabotaged much in the daughters life to limit the daughters happiness and to destroy her suture.

All the best from James Martin Sandbrook.
‎Thursday, ‎20 ‎April ‎2017, ‏‎2:24:15 AM.

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