When a narcissist wants you to change your mind about something, he or she will present themself as a person who is trying to help you.
So if they want to reframe a situation he or she will not present themself as a evil narcissistic person, but will instead present themself as a teacher, someone who cares for you, and wants you to realise that you are thinking of the situation wrong.
They want to give the impression that he or she is helping you, bringing you to a truthful understanding (really a lie), re-educating you, and the impression that they want the victim to have is that he or she is setting them free from the torment of their own mind.
The reality is that the narcissist and their partners in crime are the real reason for the victims mental torment, and that is why he or she is suffering. But the whole game of the narcissist is of deceit, to confuse, to accuse the innocent, to abuse the victim and shame them, control with threats, guilt etc.
In a explanation of narcissism a man talks about the movie 1984.
The character in the movie is on a torture rack. He is shown 4 fingers, and the torturer asks him, “How many fingers am I holding up?” The poor suffering victim says, “Four!”
And the torturer says, “Torture him.”
He gets pain.
Again he is shown 4 fingers, and the torturer asks him, “How many fingers am I holding up?”
The poor suffering victim says, “Four!”.
And again the torturer says, “Torture him.”
And on the 3rd attempt he asks him, “How many fingers am I holding up?”
And the victim says, “I don’t know, you tell me?”
He has learned his lesson. If he sees the truth he will be punished, or “is encouraged to see something that is not there”. In other words he is being brainwashed to accept someone else’s reality, view, or just being put off their own view of reality. The narcissist wants to own the victims perception of reality. The goalk of the narcissist is to completely destroy the victims version of reality and belief-system, tear it down, burn it, and then rebuild the victims new Belief-System on what the narcissist tells the victim is true.
What the narcissist is after is blind-submission. You are being taught to believe what you are taught, and very obediently like a puppet you are told what to think. Told what to believe is true because the narcissist said so.
If any challenge comes along from the victim, or someone who wants to help the victim comes along, then a very strong nasty and at times cruel attack is set on the victims by the cold hearted narcissists to ensure that the narcissist stays on top and is king or queen of the victims mind at all times.
This is the opposite to love. Love controls the heart and is good for us.
The narcissist tries to control the mind and own it, therefore overriding the heart and souls need for genuine caring love.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 10:58:25 AM.
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