The narcissist wants people to feel sorry for them because they know that it is human nature to want to protect a weaker or innocent person.
The narcissist will use completely innocent occasions and will use them to fool people into believing that she is being stalked. A simple act of walking the street and the narcissist can (with clever words) make out that someone is stalking her. But do note that all her lies and verbal attacks are all done far away from the ears of the person who she is lying about, so he can’t defend himself.
A woman once made up lies about me sitting on a steel power box, and a few gullible believed it. No proof was needed, just her lies, all said behind my back so I couldn’t defend myself. All I was doing was innocently waiting for my daughter to come back from the shop. My children and I sat on that power box, and other power boxes for years before that. Recently I was on a local Facebook page and people were making jokes up about me on the power box, so her lies are becoming well known.
The narcissist is a hardened bully, until they come up against someone that they know is a threat. And the easiest way to gather a sympathetic crowd around her is for her to play the poor sad defenseless victim who is scared of the mean man.
The narcissist is a coward, and will make the accusations on trust, meaning she has absolutely no evidence whatsoever, and all the gullible will trust her completely and gather in support for her safety. The person that she lies about will have no form of defense because all the accusations are done from a safe distance by the narcissist, and any innocent act that he does which is what everyone else does, she will turn into faked acts of terrorism against her. The narcissist needs to keep the gullible feeling sorry for her and she needs to keep them defending her.
The narcissist capitalizes on people’s goodwill and their love for her to use to her advantage. Narcissists are manipulators, brainwashers, and they use the innocence and the goodwill of others to their advantage.
One needs to look at a person’s track record, how they have treated other people, what kind of person that she really is, what her character is really like etc. But the gullible tend to look back at the narcissists past with admiration which was previously planted in their innocent minds.
The family of the narcissist is actually trained to adore and completely trust the narcissist. They are stuck in a mental rut. In adoration and trust they will even sacrifice for the narcissist, and this is exactly what the narcissist wants.
The close family and friends of the narcissist are pre-trained (by years of grooming etc) by the narcissist to attack or dislike anyone who is the enemy or threat to the narcissist. They can’t help themselves because they have always admired the so-called sacrifices of the narcissist and the narcissists so-called great deeds done for the family etc.
Common sense will expose the narcissist, but the people need to have an open mind in the first place because narcissists are expert liars and the know how to seduce innocent ears, how to press the right buttons to get family believing anything they say etc.
It is amazing seeing the narcissist in action, especially with family and close friends. The family and friends have been groomed for many years to accept all that the narcissist says on face value. Unless they look out of the square they will easily be seduced because they can’t help themselves.
The victims of the narcissist are like a piece of armor that has a weak spot that was put there so that it can be used against them. The narcissist has made its “flock” mentally weak – her flock is often her own family.
Seducing the mind of her gullible husband and her own children is a career move for her. She is setting herself up as the undisputed controller and leader of the family. And once she has firm control she makes her manipulation of events and of their lives look like deeds of heroism, or that the deeds are, “for your own good…” etc, but in reality they are all part of her power craving.
In fact members of the family can suffer for years, or until they die for the narcissist, they admire and trust the narcissist that much.
The narcissists get so good at it that they finally come to the stage that they honestly believe in their own innocence, and they feel that the close family and friends (who have been mentally weakened by the mental mind training of the narcissist over the years) are so weak-minded that they need the help of the narcissist to survive.
The narcissist can delude themselves so much that they actually believe that their evil actions are for the good for the many, and this is the narcissists “self-justification” that the narcissist is a fine and worthy person. And in thinking like this the narcissist can defend their own actions as great deeds of goodwill, and that the manipulation of people’s lives and minds are worthy acts of “a good honest character” (themself of course).
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
Tuesday, 18 August 2015, 5:08:44 AM.