The Right One Is Out There, But Are You Ready?
There are nice guys and nice women are out there. When one gives up hope then a person can see things differently.
Can’t see the forest for the trees etc. History (I like reading history) has shown that there are many wonderful people out there and many wonderful marriages. One must believe before one can find what they long for.
After my ex-wife left me I realised that it takes two to wreck a marriage, so I set about changing me. You know the saying, “If you want to change the world, change yourself first.” So that was my goal.
I prayed to God for a wife and a new chance to have a new family. But I also realised that God would give me the wife that I deserved, and that thought frightened me a lot. I felt that I was not good enough, so I set about fixing that. I didn’t want a wife that I deserved until I was a more mature and more understanding person.
And because I am now more mature 10 years later, and know a lot about people, about life in general and have had 10 years of studying God, and how to become less “material and more spiritual”. I could help any woman who became my wife become a better person. I would understand her past and help her to unload her problems – this is what following God does to us, He makes us mature, understanding and morally strong in His ways.
Some people claim that there are no decent people around, while they themselves partake in activities that are not worthy of a decent partner. Or their eyes are blinded by their own emotional issues, or mental problems, or previous anger at men or women from previous relationships.
One or two bad apples don’t spoil the whole bunch, but a bad attitude towards a gender can make it look like they are all bad and ruin all chances of a happy marriage, and won’t allow God to bring love to a person.
God wants us to strip away the old relationships-baggage and to become new. It takes a while to do this. But it is very worthwhile.
Society teaches us bad manners, to be rude, to lust, to be selfish and to chase money, careers, status etc, and to want material gains over loving spiritual gains. People grow up with that and their character becomes taunted by such living, then they go into relationships and struggle very much. They leave that relationship with a pile of hurt and negative baggage which they ship into the next relationship and on and on it goes.
It only gets better when we change for the better, with hope, faith and love, then all our future relationships with people, animals and life will improve in leaps and bounds, and marriage will finally be loving and true.
There is hope, but you need to believe.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
August 12, 2014