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Virtue is moral practice or action, moral excellence; rectitude valour; chastity.
The seven virtues are:
Webster’s Dictionary gives the following definitions:
1. Prudence – the ability to regulate and discipline one’s self through the exercise of reason.
2. Fortitude– the endurance of physical or mental hardships or suffering without giving away under strain. It is: firmness of mind in meeting danger or adversity; resolute endurance; courage and staying power. It is the possession of stamina essential to face that which repels or frightens one, or to put up with the hardships of a job imposed. It implies triumph. Synonyms are grit, backbone, pluck and guts.
3. Temperance– habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites and passions.
4. Justice– the principle of rectitude and just dealing of people with each other; also conformity to it; integrity.
5. Faith– trust in God.
6. Hope– the desire with expectation of obtaining what is desired, or belief that it is obtainable.
7. Charity– the act of loving all mankind as brothers and sisters because they are children of God. It stresses benevolence and goodwill in giving and in the broad understanding of others with kindly tolerance.
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