The thing that I can offer others is that I have been there and if I can survive I can help you survive too.

I wanted to make a video but I don’t have the data to put it on YouTube so I will write it.

Whatever happened to you as a child was not your fault. It didn’t happen because you were unworthy.

Also if you enjoyed what happened, such as sex seduction by adults, your parents etc, that also is not your fault.

God understands that sexual manipulation feels very nice, and God knows that a child is excited easily, inquisitive, and experiments, so God understands a child’s delight at sexual pleasure if seduced by adults. I know girls seduced by fathers and mothers and the daughters enjoyed it very much. But later on suffered much guilt one they realized that it is a sin to have sexual activity with a mother or father, or both.

What I am trying to say is that it is understandable that a child can become excited and even addicted to sex and masterbation, and that the child can be so excited that he or she will bring other children into what the child thinks is innocent fun. But the child must realize that the whole wrong is in the adults (often parents) doing. The child only does what the parent wants the child to do, because it pleases the person that the child loves the most, mother and father.

You are not a sick person because your sexually mentally unstable parents took advantage of your innocent love for them. You are the innocent one.

Because they seduced you did not make you unworthy, it shows that their actions prove that they are sexually mentally unstable, have immoral tendencies, and are indecent in their thinking and actions. But also they are predators, they stalked their own children and seduced them and then used their own children as sex instruments to pleasure themselves – all traits of sexually mentally unstable adults/parents.

Predators are crafty and sneaky, and these types of adults will carefully turn the blame around into the children that they seduced, forcing with fear for the children to stay silent and scared.

This is why do many of these sexually weak people get away with the seduction of children. These adults need mental help to cure them off their sexual weaknesses and evil intentions on children.
If you are a victim of such adults know that you “are innocent” and know also that the predators that seduced you “cannot fix you” because behind their efforts to help you is the efforts to protect themselves first before anything.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
‎Monday, ‎29 ‎February ‎2016, ‏‎8:50:21 AM.

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