There are good events, bad events, good times, bad events etc, that is life.

There are good events, bad events, good times, bad events etc, that is life.
Please consider this. If a person is mature, in control of his or her emotions, and confident, etc, then he or she will see the challenges in the bad times and will want to deal with those challenges. He or she won’t lose total emotional control over life when things go wrong.
To a person who has mature control of themselves and sees life as worth living and a challenge to be confidently dealt with, then the bad times become “not so good times”, or “a challenge”, or “something needing to be dealt with, etc.
So to this person life becomes a, “Good event, a challenging event, good event, something needing to be dealt with, good event, etc.
See here that the whole negative downfall of “the bad event”does not exist anymore. Mature confident people don’t see a bad event as a devastating misery, instead they see themselves as capable of doing the best that they can do and tackling it immediately.
A good attitude is a wonderful thing. But a good understanding of life, people, being mature, confident etc means that a person’s view of the bad times, accepting that they will come, and confidently dealing with tough times, means that the person is not afraid of life and is willing to do the best that he or she can through the good times, and the bad times.
People who have faith in themselves and faith in life will mentally deal with life well, and will not be depressed. Will not need antidepressants, drugs, and the like. The thrill of life, the challenges, having a family, love, etc is what gives them the enjoyment of living. They don’t need any synthetic or plastic fairweather friends, they surround themselves with people like them.
Anyone can have this mental attitude and courageous confidence, with honest self appraisal and active self improvement.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
February 9, 2016 at 4:30pm.

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