Tips That Helped Me “Break Out” Of My Comfort Zone:

If it makes you uncomfortable, DO IT!


Whenever embarking on something new, you’re going to most likely be doing new things that you haven’t done before, and it’s going to feel uncomfortable.
For me, speaking on stage is still a huge fear I have, even after doing it a half dozen times, in front of audiences of thousands.
But I know that every time I do it, I get better. I’m able to touch more people
and deliver my message in a better way than I had previously.

The same goes (for me) when I make videos, or do conference calls, or webinars, etc.
But I know that each time I’m doing these things I’m growing and that’s what’s important.
Not only has this been great for my own personal development, but it’s made a huge impact on my business as well.
So, it does go to show; if it makes you uncomfortable, you’re growing and that’s a sign
that you’re on the right track.

While on you’re journey, you’ll undoubtedly receive a slew of unsolicited advice, comments, and criticism from those around you, and unfortunately most of it could be (and probably will be) negative.
I know all to well what it’s like to be pumped up about something, and then to have a peer (family or friend) doubt me. It can be hard to stick with something when you’re having family/friends tell you that
what you’re doing won’t work, it’s a waste of time, or that you should just quit.
Often times, these types of comments and criticisms come from a jealous and fear-based place.
But sometimes, it can be your family just trying to look out for you because they love you and want what’s best for you, but in reality, they may not have any grounds to offer you such “advice”.

So if “Uncle Bob” is telling you all those “work from home deals” are scams, or they don’t work, or nobody makes any money and you should quit, should you listen?

Well, if “Uncle Bob” doesn’t own his own business, isn’t independently wealthy, or has ever made any money outside of punching a time clock, is he qualified to give you advice? NO!
Don’t take advice from those who are not in any position to give it, or who have no experience in whatever you’re pursuing.
It makes no sense, and you don’t need that type of negativity when you’re making changes to better yourself…

Don’t be afraid of the fact that you might fail a few times before you get it right.
That’s okay, everyone does.
But the point is, to take ACTION as this is what actually begins the process of making progress in whatever it is that you’re doing.

  • Chuck Marshall.