To Know The Character of a Person…

To know the character of a person look:

  • At how they treat the older generation.
  • At how they act towards all human races.
  • At whether they encourage or discourage other people.
  • At their behaviour towards all peoples.
  • At their kindness to animals.
  • At their willingness to help without personal gain.
  • At their humour – is it innocent and clean!
  • At what they do when they think no one is looking.
  • At their will to help even their enemies.

It takes a lot to really know a person.

It takes time for the mind to put the jigsaw together.

But once we have gathered all that information together we can see who we are dealing with.

Really it takes mostly some simple information and we can know a person before we even get to meet that person.

We are what we eat, think, say, pray, do and how much we love or hate.

All the best from

James M Sandbrook.

July 18, 2014.