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Ladder Safety – 3 Points of Contact.
Here is a list of needed tools from MyCarprentry.com.
The Saw Horse.
Speed Square.Sanders.Adjustable Wrench.
Cordless Drills.
Hand Drill.
Battery Operated Chainsaws.
Common Rivet Gun.
“Extra Hands” and “Helping Hands.
Nail Gun.
The Amazing Dremel.
The Multi-Tool.
Work Light.
Kincrome 10mm Gear Spanner.
18 volt Li-ion Angle Grinder.
Tolsen Utility Folding Knife.
Mako Workshop Vacuum Cleaner 21L.Sack/Barrow/Hand Truck.
Storage Jars.Small “Foam” Tool Holders.
Hang on to Twist Ties.
Tip for Leads and Power Tool Identification.
General Hardware
Joist Brackets.
Why do we use a Washer?
Brad Nails.
Friction Mat – Useful in the workshop.
Teflon Tape.
The Steel Rule – Imperial.
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