Web of Human Connections.

The narcissist can get their power through a “Social Network” of people who are like “Sleepers” (spies who blend into society but can be recalled to duty when needed), and this is done by forming connections with people by being pleasant, acting caring, faking empathy and compassion.

They form a Web of Human Connections that can be used by the narcissist as they desire.

If you know a narcissist you will note that they are different in public compared to what they are like at home.
While out walking the streets you can see the narcissist refueling these connections with people who they meet, even people who they really don’t like but who can be used in the future for the narcissists causes.
They are experts at idle chit-chat, meaningless conversations, impressing people, fake smiles, fake talk, fake laughter, these are part of the tools that they use to connect with people and bond.
People walk away from them thinking that the narcissists are wonderful, caring, good people who are pillars of society, and they are please to know them and will stand up for such a worthy soul.

The whole plan of narcissism is deciept, they are a distortion of the truth of who they really are, and they are experts at leaving people an impression of an honest, honourable, respectful person who only has your best interests at heart – the complete opposite of the truth.

When they have a decent sized group of followers in the real world they can call on them for such things as Character Assassination, votes at election time, whenever they want a group behind then to make them look good, innocent and the victim.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
‎Friday, ‎9 ‎August ‎2019, ‏‎12:24:26 PM.

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