When a person suffers from anxiety they see things that are not there, they think things that are not true, they let their imagination come up with all sorts of crazy ideas that have no chance of ever becoming true.
They think that other people are always talking about them, or thinking about them, they can “expect” that people are thinking and talking about them.
If a person suffered anxiety disorder and was a people pleaser or mentally weak in the first place, then people can take advantage of this person’s weakened fearful state and manipulate that person’s mind into being even more frightened or worried about a person or future events. All they are really doing is feeding the fire.
If they told this person to hate and fear a person with many lies and scary stories this person would panic at the sight of that person. And what is worse is that their body would react in great fear such as shaking, sweating, trembling, fright, a thumping heart racing along above its normal speed etc. And all these physical reactions are from something that isn’t true.
Thought can make a person physically and mentally go crazy. When Hitler spoke to the people and excited them into killing slaughter, maiming, torture, and mass slaughter he raised up their fears, he got them all excited over things that were not true.
There was the time when the returning German bombers jettisoned their payload (Bombs) while lost (because they are not allowed to land with bombs on board in case of an accident and that would blow up the runway etc) on a German town. Hitler used that event to fire up hatred, anger, fury and revenge out of the innocent people because Hitler told the German people that the Allies had bombed an innocent town.
Note that the Allies hadn’t done the dirty deed, but many were going to be bombed, killed, crippled and maimed for it because the people were thrown into revenge through untrue words. Some would have become fanatical in their anger and fury. many would have enlisted in the war machine to kill and slaughter the Allies. Hitler had done his work well.
One of the reasons that we shouldn’t judge others is that we can be fooled by others just as Hitler fooled millions of innocent people into creating and being his war machine of mass destruction. We can be fooled into judging an innocent person and then causing that innocent person much struggles, pain and emotional anguish.
And we shouldn’t judge people who attack us because they may be victims of being fooled into hating us.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
August 31, 2014