When you take a course you are taught to do this and do that.

When you take a course you are taught to do this and do that.
In order for something to happen you must set up the situation as best as you can. Then you do what you can to make what you want to happen, happen. If something goes wrong, and sometimes they do, you are ready to make changes and more on.
Like painting. You put the gear up. Get out the paints, canvas and paintbrushes etc. Then you paint, but alas a dribble runs through the painting here and there. You have sketching pencils, and such. You drop a brush, it rains a little. Things happen. But with the best effort you fix things up and get back to it. Eventually your painting teacher is telling you what a fine piece of work you have created.
Life is like this too. The world is your classroom and this classroom is far more important that the school classroom. Because in this classroom you learn about life, love and how to laugh at yourself, you learn to care, have empathy etc.
You also gain courage. You are not protected by 4 walls and windows and doors, because you are in the world and amazing things happen. Some good, some a challenge. Some because you took the wrong course, you learn by the mistakes, then get back to the right course. Its all about life and you live it everyday.
Your teacher is God. You are the student. Listen to your teacher. Listen to God. Not like the teacher in your classroom who is paid to help you, God truly loves you and His love is unconditional and deeply caring. God wants to see you grow and be a happy loving person, unselfish and sharing the grace and love that He shares with your heart. Life is about giving yourself with love, as God gives Himself to you with generous love.
Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit by taking the wrong paths deliberately. Live, love and learn – and do it God’s way, thats the best way to love and play!
All the best from James M Sandbrook.

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