Many of these articles were never finished. I have more to add, I hope they are of interest to someone.
I wrote this about Women years ago. I was brought up by a feminist who believed that being a housewife was a bad lot for women and that it was slavery, and she often let everyone know about her beliefs that women were given a hard lot, especially by men who expected their women to stay home and not work in the working world.
I was a single-dad from 1991 to 1997, and then from 2004 to about 2013, and being a single father, and on welfare, I learned a lot about staying home and looking after the children, and then later on homeschooling the children as well. After many years working on shift-work I found the experience of staying home and looking after my children as very rewarding, a lot of fun, and while doing so I did course on electronics and computers.
Every woman has her journey. All I am doing here is offering the experiences I had with advice for women who would see that the traditional mother’s lot, was in fact, an amazing rewarding adventure.