by James M Sandbrook

Imagine a Woman

Imagine a female of early adulthood. She is innocent in thought and action. she makes no claims of greatness, but works consistency with those around her. She likes people, is kind, dreams of a happy family and the joys of motherhood.

One day she hears of something dark, something distant, but something bad. Worry comes into her mind, but after some thought she gladly puts it aside. She enjoys her days and loves the wonder of the world. She sees nature, she spreads her love among those that she knows. People comment on how nice she is, and how kind.

Time goes by and she learns of a woman being badly treated. She is shocked, surprised that anyone could hurt a female. A distant fear starts to grow inside her. Small, no more than a pinprick, but nevertheless it is there.

More negative events follow. She is young and has previously known not of what evil or bad that can befall on a female. She hears of young children hurting. Her fear grows.

And along with this growth of fear comes a new inner strength in this young woman. She gains a resolve, a strength, a personal power that she will not allow herself to be abused in the ways that she has heard of other woman being abused. A new hardness comes into her heart. This hardness is created from a reaction, a reaction to something that she does not understand – she does not understand how an innocent female can be allowed to be abused in a society that has sworn to protect her and children. She feels that she and other woman must stand as one – stand together to ward of this badness, this uncontrolled evil that has been added to the tender plight of the mere woman.

Other woman who have also had mental experiences along the same lines have joined with her, their strength grows with their numbers. They have learnt that numbers is power and power will turn the tide that seems to sometimes flow against woman.

Of course the males of the world tend to have a preconceived thought of how a female is to be. He wants her to be innocent in thought, kind and loving, wanting to have children and bring them up as all good child-loving mothers will.

This new image that he sees worries him. Males in power learn of a new fear, a fear that does not come from the power and strength of another male, or even a group of males. Now his new fear comes from within the home, the very home that he lives in. No more can he step out of the home and look back and be assured that his good woman is looking after his worthy brood of children.

He knows how to deal with other males. A good stiff whack and the majority may fall, sometimes a physical or verbal scuffle will bring the other man down. But this new force that has attacked him from behind, from where he was not watching from, this new force powered by fear and its own feeling of strength and self-importance. What can he do but try to find a new way to fight this new foe, often the new foe comes from the very bed that he last night slept in. Much confusion comes from this battle, but the wills of the women are strong and very stubborn. Often a clever speech or statement has no affect on these females, but they would have brought many a male down to a shambled heap before him.

This new foe was bringing him down. Eventually he was to fall – but not completely. He is subdued and now has to share much of his power, a power he is mostly reluctant to share. Changes are often made when two foes join and “have” to become friends in battle, even if all of their ideals do not join in a happy conclusion of thought.

Over time her struggle continues and more and more woman have joined the group, but there are also new groups based on this first group. They to, have power, new power. But for a few reasons do not totally agree with the first group on some things. These woman some joined young, others older, and even others much older.

As time goes along the women add other beliefs to their claims. Some good some not so good. Her belief in God simpers away, was it even there in her heart when she became the new woman of force that she is today. She seems to feel that a God wouldn’t have allowed woman to be abused in any way, so simple logic states that she must fight the way that the opponent fights, with tooth and nail. She decides that she needs to make up many of her own laws and rules, many of which God would not have agreed with. many that are wrong. And two wrongs, females mistreatment and her new wrongs do not make anything right.

Gone is the feeling of contentedness, the feeling of protection. The male (or males) that were supposed to protect her have become the people who are attacking her. In her home she may speak to men and mention and speak of her problem only to get (mostly) a barrage of attacks to her thoughts and ideas. How should she react? Give up! No, she does what people do when they feel attacked from a main source (in this case from males) she attacks in defense of her questions, queries, and guesses, while also gathering more from her own flock, more females.

And this is why a female (and male) is to take only one mate throughout his or her life (unless of course other events happen to change this situation).

All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
Thursday, ‎19 ‎April ‎2007, ‏‎11:44:02 AM.